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Gari_305 OP t1_irak504 wrote

From the Article

>The footage begins with a shot of the drone as it approaches the rooftop of a building in a nondescript urban area with the compact armed robot dog being carried under the drone’s frame. The drone, acting as a robotic dropship of sorts, then lands atop the roof, releases the robodog, and flies away. Shortly thereafter the robodog unfurls from its folded position and begins navigating its new surroundings with what looks to be a Chinese QBB-97 light machine gun (designated as Type 95 LGM in the United States) mounted on its back.

Is this the future of warfare, utilizing robots in such a manner?


ConfirmedCynic t1_irb9wwg wrote

Future of a techno-tyranny, I fear. They could use them against their own civilian population if there's any hint of dissent. Human soldiers might balk at shooting their own people, but these wouldn't.


stick_always_wins t1_irawc03 wrote

Seems straight out one of those dystopian futuristic pieces of media like CoD Advanced Warfare, Elysium, Oblivion, etc.

Ominous but kinda cool at the same time


Test19s t1_irb6ev2 wrote

Much older. A larger robot that carries a smaller one that unfurls into a four-legged killer animal bot dates back at least to Transformers 1984 (Ravage).


Gernafax t1_irbzyul wrote

Much older. A goat that unloads it’s radioactive guts onto unsuspecting passerbyers after someone remotely detonates the dynamite they fed it 1948. (Creampie)


Xiqwa t1_irb8qz6 wrote

Now imagine that they are scheduled to make a million of these in 3 years.


deffParrot t1_irci1dk wrote

And in a couple weeks one can build an IMP generated that renders one million of those useless.


Xiqwa t1_irdpary wrote

Depends on its radial spread though doesn’t it?


Test19s t1_iranyp9 wrote


Decepticon cassette. Ugh.


Maple_Station t1_itdp5pa wrote

Probably not with machine guns. But with individual rockets, either anti-air or anti-tank.

It's a great area denial strategy. The dog with a missile launcher doesn't need to stay powered. It just needs to park on the roof and wait for a signal that a helicopter or tank is about to come nearby and to get ready. And then the same rotor drone that carried the dog to the roof can serve as additional sensors and comms for the missile and dogbot before carrying the dogbot back to the operator base.


CoolmanWilkins t1_irays8q wrote

Too bad they can be easily distracted and killed by robot steaks laced with robot poison.


Youhoooop t1_irb0xdu wrote

Or caught with a robot steak under a box and stick trap


cosmicaltoaster t1_irf0k3d wrote

One should only worry when these start being mass produced. Especially with tesla-level autopilot AI


TJames6210 t1_iravbns wrote

Anyone that thinks this is bad but not terrifying needs to watch MetalHead. That will be the fastest change of heart ever.


pickleer t1_irc4ge0 wrote


... From "Black Mirror", 5th Episode, 4th Series


PraiseThePun81 t1_irb2uix wrote

Annnnnd there's another reason for Anxiety, thanks China!


MilkshakeBoy78 t1_irb7ag3 wrote

usa does war crimes too.


NikolaTeslaAllDay t1_irbjmhn wrote

What is the point of this statement? Seems like classic whataboutism. The U.S. probably holds the record for war crimes cause statistically they’ve been in more modern wars.

Difference is, the U.S. has buried their genocidal days behind them, tell me how is the ongoing Uyghur concentration camps and genocide coming along?


Yumewomiteru t1_irbraas wrote

> Difference is, the U.S. has buried their genocidal days behind them, tell me how is the ongoing Uyghur concentration camps and genocide coming along?

It's only ongoing in your imagination.


AcidHead1312 t1_ircionx wrote

Lmao how did I know you would be a poster on r/sino and r/genzedong? Genocide denialism is cringe


Yumewomiteru t1_irciuy9 wrote

You're acting smug just because you're brainwashed? Bold move.


AcidHead1312 t1_ircj6za wrote

IM brainwashed? What world do you live in? There is solid evidence for the Uyghur genocide. Stop sticking your head in the sand. Here’s the wiki page on it.


Yumewomiteru t1_ircjdnq wrote

Oh wow, a website that anyone can edit, amazing source.


AcidHead1312 t1_ircjlo9 wrote

You sound like a 70 year old English teacher who just barely discovered the internet. Click the tab at the bottom titled “References” and there’s a list of citations at the bottom from reputable sources. You can even see what claims come from which sources if you look at the little numbers in brackets above some of the words. Those are called footnotes fyi.


Yumewomiteru t1_irck3ia wrote

I'm well aware of the accusations lead by China's biggest geopolitical rival in the US. I'm also well aware that the majority of the world does not believe in these accusations as shown by the UN supporting China every single time they voted on the Xinjiang issue. So tell me, why should I believe the propaganda coming from China's biggest enemy when most of the world doesn't?


AcidHead1312 t1_irclubx wrote

What a bootlicking take. You decide what’s true based on how world leaders vote? That’s comically stupid. Geopolitics are complicated. Countries can vote things they don’t actually believe to further their interests. Not that that even matters, because world leaders don’t decide what’s true and what isn’t.

There are actual fucking boatloads of evidence that Uyghurs are being rounded up, thrown into camps, and subjected to grievous human rights abuses. What makes you believe that this is all made up? Because the United States pointed it out? Do you have any evidence for that? I know you don’t but I might as well ask.

You sound like a fucking holocaust denier. Is it that you hate Muslims and are happy about the genocide or is it that you hate America so much that you’ll defend it’s rivals no matter what they do?


Yumewomiteru t1_ircntn8 wrote

> What makes you believe that this is all made up? Because the United States pointed it out? Do you have any evidence for that?

That's not how it works idiot, that's like saying I called you a murderer and you have to prove you're not.


AcidHead1312 t1_irco70z wrote

You have literal subhuman IQ if that’s what you got out of that. You are the one denying the evidence. It has been proven that there is a genocide taking place. This is like you just got convicted for murder and you’re appealing to say that the court never proved that you’re guilty but you’re bringing no counter evidence to disprove the state.

Nice ignoring the rest of my comment tho. You must realize that you have no real argument but sticking your fingers in your ears.


Yumewomiteru t1_ircolpr wrote

You say there's evidence but you never provided a single one. If you want to use the court analogy, China has been proven innocent multiple times due to winning the UN votes every single time. Again, I am taking the majority side, you're the one peddling some fringe conspiracy because your government told you so.


AcidHead1312 t1_ircr1hz wrote

Wow you really do have subhuman IQ. How do you remember to breathe? I already provided the wiki which has like 200 sources backing it. Even if I went through the references to find specific sources you would just call it state department propaganda and go back to letting Xi Jinping box your uvula with his dick.

Just because I used a court analogy doesn’t make your point correct. That’s fucking stupid lmao. A court of law and the UN are not comparable.

Some fringe conspiracy theory? Are you fucking joking?? Just because China and a bunch of other countries under its hell voted against debating it (or abstained from voting) doesn’t mean they’ve disproved all the evidence collected on it. Their vote doesn’t unbuild the concentration camps (which China originally denied existed but now call vocational training and educational centers). Their vote doesn’t invalidate the hard evidence gathered by 3 parties. Why would an educational center need watchtowers and security fences?

I’m not saying this because the US told me to. I’m saying this because it’s what all the evidence points to. All you can say is “but muh UN vote” and ignore the camps and testimonies and the 3rd party reporting and the internal leaks and all the other proof.

You are morally on par with a holocaust denier. You and your views are absolutely reprehensible. This is gonna be my last comment on this because it’s clear that the critical thinking portion of your brain has been completely eroded by Chinese propaganda and I don’t think you’re intelligent enough to understand reason.


Yumewomiteru t1_ircuwn4 wrote

200 sources repeating questionable information doesn't make it any less questionable. Your "evidences" consist of conjectures from one person, satellite images, and asylum seekers who change their story every interview. If that's enough for you then so be it, but the facts are people have weighed both sides of the argument at the UN and have sided with China every time.

> Why would an educational center need watchtowers and security fences?

The US have plenty of schools with armed guards and checkpoints, are they concentration camps?

It's really amusing how angry you get when you can't beat me in debate, no wonder you fall for propaganda so easily.


AcidHead1312 t1_ircvrfw wrote

What makes the information questionable? There is more than 1 person who’s given testimony, satellite images are still images, and which asylum seekers are you referring to? There’s more than that even. Again. Just because the UN comes to a resolution doesn’t mean it’s the truth. Geopolitics is complicated, but I wouldn’t expect you to understand that as your knowledge of geopolitics is limited to “USA bad China good”. Armed guards and checkpoints aren’t the same thing as security fences and fucking watchtowers. That’s literal prison shit.

Obviously it’s angering but it’s not because you’re winning or something. It’s like I’m playing chess with a pigeon. I’m making moves to disprove your argument and you’re shitting all over the board and knocking over pieces. Normally that wouldn’t be very frustrating but you’re also denying the systemic torture and genocide of millions of innocent people.


Yumewomiteru t1_ircwi7l wrote

>which asylum seekers are you referring to?

Tursunay Ziawudun, who have given multiple interviews with different accounts of events. But I thought you had all the evidence, why didn't you know that already? Or did you just read some clickbait headline and think you're a China expert?

Honestly not sure why you're so hang up on this when the international community already made their verdict. Your country lost and aren't fooling anyone, move on.


AcidHead1312 t1_ircy9v0 wrote

That isn’t the only asylum seeker who’s given testimony. That’s why I asked. Even if one person changed their story (I haven’t looked into this person, there is so much evidence on my side that it would take days to go through it all) there are still more people giving similar stories and there is all of the other evidence to back it up.

Again you make this braindead argument. Let me be clear.

  1. Countries vote how they vote in the UN for geopolitical reasons. They do it to further the interests of their countries, not to say the truth necessarily.

  2. China is a powerful country with lots of global influence. Do you think a country like Nepal who borders China and is basically in its pocket would vote against it? Obviously not. China also lobbies in other countries to get the votes it wants.

  3. The UN voted to not have the debate, not that the genocide isn’t happening. Indonesia for example acknowledged that the Uyghurs are being persecuted but still voted against the debate. See point 1.

  4. It wasn’t even a landslide victory. China only won by 2 votes, and 11 countries abstained from voting. Even if how the UN votes proved something, which they don’t, this would be super inconclusive.

So in summary your points are dumb and you should feel bad for having them.


Yumewomiteru t1_ircyzh2 wrote

You know today's vote is not the only one, they have been voting every year since 2019 and have sided with China every single year. So you admitted you didn't vet your sources, which is exactly what I thought. How are you so sure of their reliability when even the US government have conceded that there aren't enough evidence to bring China to court?

All you have done is made up excuses when facts don't fit your narrative, that's confirming to your biases, not rational thinking.


AcidHead1312 t1_ird0pgj wrote

The fact that this isn’t the first vote changes nothing. Nice ignoring all of my points and pivoting tho.

I didn’t say that I didn’t vet my sources. You chose that person. You’re like a holocaust denier chastising me for not listening to the testimony of every Auschwitz survivor. There is so much evidence backing me that it would take a significant amount of time to read it all. You would agree the holocaust happened right? Hopefully. That doesn’t mean you need to know every tidbit of evidence that it happened. Normal people with functioning brains can tell it happened without needing to see every piece of evidence in existence.

When you say the US government says there’s not enough evidence to bring China to court youre referring to when the State Department said that what Chinas doing is a crime against humanity but they doesn’t believe there’s enough evidence to prove it’s genocide in court. That doesn’t mean they don’t think a genocide is happening. That’s just because genocide is hard as fuck to prove in court. You have to prove intent in court. Everyone knows that Chinas treatment of the Uyghurs is horrific, it’s just difficult to prove intent.

I’m not making any excuses. You’ve just gone so far down the genocide denier rabbit hole that your brain has gone smooth and you can’t distinguish a rational argument from an irrational one. Either that or you just hate Muslims and are acting in bad faith. Could be either one.

You’re a piece of shit regardless and you’re not addressing any of my points so I’m actually done with this now. Bye


Yumewomiteru t1_ird11cn wrote

Good riddance, goodbye, there is no use debating with someone as irrational and close minded as you. No wonder westerners so easily fall for their media's propaganda.


pantsfish t1_ird72kp wrote

>The US have plenty of schools with armed guards and checkpoints, are they concentration camps?

No, because journalists and parents aren't intercepted by police officers when they get within a mile-radius. Even Guantanamo Bay operates with more transparency than the average "vocational center" in Xinjiang.

US prisons have classrooms too! But we don't pretend they are schools just because inmates can receive college degrees and job training.

You've identified one refugee that might have changed their story, ignoring hundreds of others, along with hundreds of pages of official chinese documents about the construction and operation of the facilities.


pantsfish t1_ird7cuy wrote

Did you ignore the dozens of attached sources? Of course you did, because you can't debunk them.


echom t1_irb3wrb wrote

To me this was not a question of if but when. Not the armed ground drone thing but the drone dropship.

I think we'll be seeing more of this cropping up in the not too distant future, for instance in patrol, inspection and damage control work where a ground presence is needed occasionally (or in an emergency) but where it is not feasible for whatever reason to put in a 'dog house' or automated storage facility to house a ground robot long term. This way a robot can be lifted into a remote site, do its job and then be extracted again when the job is done.

Another field where we might see this crop up is urban and highrise firefighting. This way a small unit of firefighting robots could be airlifted onto a building's roof to work their way down a building while other robots and human firefighters attack a blaze from below.


Knerrbo t1_ircimn9 wrote

Haven’t they seen black mirror? This is how the apocalypse starts.


selkiesidhe t1_ircl4pl wrote

Wonder how the average Chinese citizen feels about this. You speak out about the gov, maybe they'll just air drop a robot dog with a gun on you...

My gov can be pretty wacko at times but I 100% don't want them, or trust them enough, to have weaponized robots but at least it's not China levels of "free speech".


Test19s t1_irann41 wrote

Why did I have to get into Transformers in 2019? Now I’m seeing plots everywhere. Imagine if I’d gotten into the Munsters instead; we’d have Frankenstein by now instead of discount Soundwave.


TheIndyCity t1_iravnjy wrote

Sorry we didn't fix climate change kids, but check out these sweet robo dogs we're putting in your local apartment complex!


FuturologyBot t1_irayu1h wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:

From the Article

>The footage begins with a shot of the drone as it approaches the rooftop of a building in a nondescript urban area with the compact armed robot dog being carried under the drone’s frame. The drone, acting as a robotic dropship of sorts, then lands atop the roof, releases the robodog, and flies away. Shortly thereafter the robodog unfurls from its folded position and begins navigating its new surroundings with what looks to be a Chinese QBB-97 light machine gun (designated as Type 95 LGM in the United States) mounted on its back.

Is this the future of warfare, utilizing robots in such a manner?

Please reply to OP's comment here:


[deleted] t1_irbm00q wrote

A T-shirt launcher gun stuffed with a cast net. Simple solution for every problem.

Lob a marine metal cast net over your local exposed Chinese power grid substation for extra effect.


pickleer t1_irc4v40 wrote

The US used something like graphene ribbons or strands in the Middle East.


[deleted] t1_irc6u4i wrote

Yeah we took out the Iraqis' power substations with carbon fiber filament I think it was. Long strands of conductive carbon fiber that were dropped on top of their exposed power substations using drones.

Pretty simple these days. $100 cash drone from Walmart, a 2.4Ghz air dropper from Ebay, a spool of carbon fiber yarn, and a couple of cans of Aqua net hairspray to hold together a ~30g cloud of conductive material spanning say 50 cubic feet, lofted over these Chinese power substations that are manufacturing machine gun armed robotic dogs. It's like proposing to your bride on one knee, but different.

And then there is the Elephant's Toothpaste angle, could you add NaCI to the mix to create a rapidly expanding conductive foam based on commodity stuff you can purchase from your local Chinese Walmart, etc.

[edit] one time, during a previous life, I was a disaster preparedness instructor. How to mirror datacenters and fault tolerant network topology and what do you do as a city municipality when SHTF, that type of stuff. This was a class in Atlanta GA if I remember correctly. And these two dudes attending my class were critical infrastructure protection guys from the Army, fairly well placed. And we got into this discussion, about what happens when a hostile actor with nation state capabilities attacks a country such as China? And these guys are like nah, all of the conventional stuff you think that would hurt a country are not of concern. It's the asymmetric attacks that we are worried about and which keeps us up at night, such as: what happens if somebody goes and kills a cow, puts it on a boat, then weights the carcass down with concrete blocks and goes boating in an aquifer.

That's like decades of biological contamination that would decimate entire cities, using just a single Chinese cow.


Few_Carpenter_9185 t1_ircc1au wrote

The carbon fiber is especially nasty, because if it's lightweight and fluffy and fine enough, when cleaned off the electrical lines and exposed high voltage items, any that's missed can blow or drift back on again in the wind.


[deleted] t1_ircd8de wrote

Correct. Nothing but the best for our widowed Afghans in Iraq, apparently.


Starrion t1_irch22p wrote

Apparently if you put enough rotors on it, you can make the dining table fly.


Hot-mic t1_irgpz4e wrote

Propaganda. That thing looks like it couldn't hit the side of a barn with that gun or navigate its way to it.


UnifiedQuantumField t1_iriyxzq wrote

>Armed Robot Dogs With Drones That Can Drop Them Anywhere

Robodrop: the future of law enforcement.


femmestem t1_irbplnc wrote

I saw this episode of Black Mirror. It doesn't end well for us.


ElChupatigre t1_irbtfa3 wrote

They made a whole movie about why this is a bad idea...Robocop 2


ApateNyx t1_irc0v7l wrote

So, that episode of Black Mirror on steroids. Would hate to piss off the CCP now.