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Surur t1_irxdm0q wrote

I've said it a few times, but it bears repeating that China has a strategic interest in getting off oil, as it's one of their major imports and weak points.

Given that a lot of manufacturing happens in China, this will automatically help decarbonize a lot of our carbon footprint.


MadNhater t1_irxpmtc wrote

The threat of war has helped climate change for once.


Occma t1_irzt7cb wrote

I mean europe is going through an energy revolution to get rid of putins oil. Putin ironically may and up an important contributor against climate change.


Still_Study_6059 t1_is027te wrote

Putin's gas is a bigger driver of change, but it did rear some heads how reliant we've made ourselves on despotic regimes that don't necessarily have our best interests at heart. So there's been a perception-change with regards to oil too. Especially when OPEC is jacking up the prices by lowering production.


Scope_Dog t1_is1s89o wrote

These European countries knew it was a terrible idea to be reliant on Russian gas and oil they just chose to shrug their shoulders and move on.


Still_Study_6059 t1_is1ueja wrote

Also true. And if they didn't early in the millennium the start of the invasion of Ukraine should've tipped them off. Or the Georgian invasion before that. We've made ourselves a play-thing for these despots.


Lollmfaowhatever t1_iu4oyno wrote

More like after 2008's airpocalypse the Chinese went simcity mode on their country.


gemstun t1_irz7rq6 wrote

Thanks repeating it. I didn’t get it the first few times you said it. (JK)

Seriously, you make an excellent point that I had not heard anyone say before. Thank you.


Poochydawg t1_irzayjx wrote

Are they also getting out of manufacturing goods like plastic toys, electronics, furnishings, building materials etc etc. all requires some form of petroleum by product….


lemans356 t1_irzbsgq wrote

Even the manufacturing carbon footprint can be reduced substantially . By implementing more modern methods.


Surur t1_irzonbc wrote

If you think about it, unless those things get burnt they are actually a form of carbon sequestration.


tacofiller t1_is02bgo wrote

Not if you consider the carbon was already sequestered in natural crude oil deposits. Once you take that into account you have to consider the energy required to explore, drill, transport the oil, the energy required to refine it, convert it to plastics, ship the plastics, manufacture the toys, ship the toys to distribution centres, then ship to retail and/or dtc.

Also think of creating and maintaining the infrastructure around all the shipping and manufacturing, the manufacture of shipping vehicles, the mining and energy that went into all of that... and the layers/“generations” of manufacturing and raw material shipping and extraction that went into all that.


Surur t1_is06cog wrote

When we fully electrify (and move to renewables) then the carbon cost of mining and manufacturing would not matter.

Then oil would be just another raw mineral.


tacofiller t1_is9uc44 wrote

True, at that point in the distant future (10+ years to get to that point?) extracting oil or anything else should be CO2 neutral. Natural gas would always be an externality though, as it escapes during extraction and processing.


Scope_Dog t1_is1sg8m wrote

Hmm, does making plastic and other things out of petroleum put C02 into the air or is it just when it is burned?


Poochydawg t1_is2my6o wrote

You need to stop refining oil to start with if you want to make a difference. Not just look at things like cars because you see them on the street every day.