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redingerforcongress OP t1_is192s9 wrote

> ‘More questions than answers’ MNT also spoke with Dr. Danelle Fisher, a pediatrician and chair of pediatrics at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, about this study. She said that as both a pediatrician and a mother, her first reaction to the study was fear.

> “What are we doing environmentally to these unborn babies that we can detect these particles in their system before they’re even born?” she asked. “That’s just so frightening.”

> “And then the next question that I have […] is […] are we going to see worse disease states?” Dr. Fisher continued. “How do we deal with it? How do we treat it? Do we need to treat it?”

> “I feel like this study gave me more questions than answers,” she noted, “[b]ut a good study will do that — it will encourage you to think about what the ramifications are, what we can do to make it better, and what kinds of directions we need to go in when we’re looking at future studies.”


FuturologyBot t1_is1ljt0 wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/redingerforcongress:

> ‘More questions than answers’ MNT also spoke with Dr. Danelle Fisher, a pediatrician and chair of pediatrics at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, about this study. She said that as both a pediatrician and a mother, her first reaction to the study was fear.

> “What are we doing environmentally to these unborn babies that we can detect these particles in their system before they’re even born?” she asked. “That’s just so frightening.”

> “And then the next question that I have […] is […] are we going to see worse disease states?” Dr. Fisher continued. “How do we deal with it? How do we treat it? Do we need to treat it?”

> “I feel like this study gave me more questions than answers,” she noted, “[b]ut a good study will do that — it will encourage you to think about what the ramifications are, what we can do to make it better, and what kinds of directions we need to go in when we’re looking at future studies.”

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[deleted] t1_is2f9g9 wrote

and peuple are still making uhhh tiny people in 2021


Humbaba3344 t1_is3w0jp wrote

Realize how no one is commenting? Also, if you want to start educating yourself on "climate change" read Merchants of doubt how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming 2010 and Weatherman’s Guide To The Sun Third Edition 2020 by Ben Davidson. Those two books are a great start, you'll also learn about what will happen in the future including hurricanes.


Atomhed t1_is43m0o wrote

I'm not sure why you'd assume I need to start educating myself on the climate, the first example of activism I ever took part in was a climate change awareness demonstration in grade school, way back in the '90s, before the movement was mainstream at all.


Major_Television559 t1_is6ohmx wrote

Move to rural and forget the city life…I’m talking to the women.


Humbaba3344 t1_is6v5wu wrote

Merchants Of Doubt talks about how the elites would use climate change in the future in order to control the populace. Weatherman's Guide To The Sun would just inform you how we're in a sunspot cycle and it's very normal. Most educated people especially those that specialize in thermal dynamics are aware of how much of a farce it really is. Bill gates one of the main players pushing the narrative even talks about how terms like "clean energy" pretty much broke the average person's brain. I could go on and on but there’s no convincing some people regardless of how much data you place in front of them. This is why I only recommended two extremely well written books.


Atomhed t1_isbntb6 wrote

Bro it isn't a farce, and you're not presenting any hard data.

The fact of the matter is that man made climate change has been measured and documented for well over a century at this point, it's happening, and it's going to destroy the world.

This is why no one gives a shit about Russian nukes anymore, the world is already being destroyed.


Atomhed t1_isdofby wrote

>Like I said previously, regardless of what data I send you, you wouldn't look at it and/or just denounce it.

I don't know if you're projecting or what, but if you have corroborable data that illustrates climate science is a farce, let's see it.

>Rather than listening to a random guy on the internet, why not just speak with your local meteorologist?

Lol, why?

We have data available from primary sources.

>You could always speak with people that work in the trades like windmill technicians too.

And ask them what about climate science?

>As for the Russian thing, it’s not Russia you have to worry about. More than likely Ukraine will fast track joining NATO and cause WW3 which would just result in a nuclear holocaust.

Lol, if Russia fires off nukes because a sovereign nation signed a peace treaty with Europe, then that's Putin's fault.


Atomhed t1_isgylpg wrote

>I previously recommended two great books that are very informative and are easy to understand.

I can't help but notice you've still failed to present any hard data to back up your conclusions.

If there was hard data that backs up your conclusions, it would exist outside of any individual books.


Numismatists t1_isjqpmn wrote

Meanwhile, posts about "car" battery manufacturing gets thousands of upvotes in r/Futurology.

Lovely how the polluting stories get promoted in here, instead of information that really matters.

Gotta have that fake Energy Transition and ignore all of the destruction and dead babies along the way.