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Sometimes_Stutters t1_iug667x wrote

Fun fact- “Rare Earth” materials are not at all rare. They are actually very common in the earths crust.


KJ6BWB OP t1_iug7xur wrote

Very common, they just require high technology to get to and China controls most of the available deposits we know of.


Rough_Idle t1_iugbyw0 wrote

The headline alone was enough to make me wonder how big a brick this news is dropping in certain Chinese trade ministries


cchiu23 t1_iugzple wrote

China produces the most phosphorus too lol


MrDuhVinci t1_iuhc12r wrote

Every article you read about technology here is likely very tentative and far from proven for real-world usage. No doubt a 'few' Chinese Scientists will be ordered to investigate its potential as a practical alternative to parts of their 'rare-materials' industry... but they won't be running around in a panic until it becomes even a modest possibility.


ElJamoquio t1_iui58q2 wrote

> they just require high technology to get to

mmm, they just create 3000 lbs of toxic waste per EV-traction-motor built.

It's not that high tech, it's just toxic.


4t0mik t1_iugt8q5 wrote

I'm a betting Russia has a lot too.


cchiu23 t1_iugzjct wrote

They're also experts in refining them


Alex_2259 t1_iugjho0 wrote

Doesn't bode well for the future of humanity.

I forgot, this sub is filled with China worshipping bots. Even if they're humans that's a bot mindset


84121629 t1_iugs0c3 wrote

Unless google is lying to me, tetrataenite is only found in meteorites.


DecentChanceOfLousy t1_iugw72t wrote

Before this research, yes. But tetrataenite isn't a rare earth metal, rather it's a substitute for rare earth metals.