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silentlycritical t1_is1iiag wrote

Or, and hear me out now, how about we maybe cater to the people who aren’t in a multi-ton death machine?


atebitlogic t1_is1jkj3 wrote

Right, goggly eyes seems like a no brainer. They should also a crooked mouth with a slightly stuck out tongue that makes it look like it concentrating really hard.


HumanSeeing t1_is23420 wrote

But.. that is what vehicles are, we are talking about autonomous vehicles here. I have a heart for r/fuckcars too, but this is part of the future and a better future at least for some period of time in some places.


silentlycritical t1_is25ow7 wrote

Putting googly eyes on a car shifts the responsibility of safety from the thing that kills people to the thing getting killed. It’s a cop out to avoid taking responsibility for designing and building a car that’s safe for anyone not driving (or riding in) that car. So yea, fuck cars, but also fuck the auto industry for always shifting blame and responsibility to pedestrians.


JebusLives42 t1_is32oig wrote

This is absurd.

Electric cars are very quiet. Adding external sounds has been contemplated to help alert pedestrians to the presence of the car, and that's certainly not a cop out.

This is no different, except it's 100 times awesomer.


TheCrimsonSteel t1_is2p2h3 wrote

I think, or at least hope, that the idea is to use "eye contact" to help communicate things to pedestrians and other drivers, since that is something lots of people do now when both parties are human.

It's something to consider with self driving cars. There's lots of non verbal queues you can get with a person behind the wheel that we need to think about. It's probably going to be some combination of new rules and communication tools for the vehicles.


buffalorocks t1_is383rw wrote

The only thing the eyes could communicate is left and right, since they can't fly or tunnel. We should put something like a light that you turn on to communicate that intention. It could even blink.


buffalorocks t1_is37y2w wrote

It would be perfect to take these cars and have them communicate with each other in such a way that they can perfectly sync with each other and make identical, pre-planned moves through traffic, lined up one after the other. We could even put them underground so they don't have to wait for traffic lights. If we did something like that, no one would even need to OWN a car because they could just roam around the city in perfect sync autonomously all the time. We could sell tickets to ride them and have underground stations where you would board and leave them. Man the future could be so bright!


Maegous t1_is4exgk wrote

and the people living in the countryside can just teleport to the cities and their stations. How perfect would that be!? /s


mabey try not to be so condescending while you try to win people over with your arguments? Acting like the subway magicaly resolves all our traffic problems...


barcode2099 t1_is3zc1m wrote

And since rubber on asphalt is terribly inefficient, we could swap out the tires with steel wheels and road surface with steels rails that would also help guide this series of interconnected cars.
