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solardeveloper t1_is5uiix wrote

>That’s why all plants are built there

That and its expensive as fuck to freight or ship raw materials from factories already on the gulf/Ohio river to California and then ship/freight back to market. CA's special snowflake fuel standards and lack of affordability for truckers makes it economically non-viable to manufacture in the state. Nothing to do with "broken" workforce as manufacturing labor in PA, OH, AL, etc are unionized too. And can actually afford housing in those places

But instead of looking at actual supply chain costs or finances, we can lean into the CA superiority complex narrative and ignore the fact that the state has steadily pushed away high paying manufacturing/fabrication jobs and is essentially a specialty R&D zone at this stage.

And I say this as someone living comfortably in Marin, so not speaking out of some kind of sour grapes.


wgc123 t1_is6g9km wrote

Yeah, you might want to actually look at how big an economy they have based on manufacturing and agriculture