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moodRubicund t1_is7niv0 wrote

... Sigh. There goes the draft for my sci-fi novel. Fuck.


TheDailyOculus t1_is9zcmz wrote

It's tough. I have an old draft for a story where people are building a mega-structure around the sun to harvest energy. Then I happened upon the concept "Dyson sphere" and binned it.


calibraka t1_is9zzp7 wrote

When I was little I thought of a theory timeline splitting at each action and there being multiple timelines each containing what would have happened if it went that specific way. Then I saw many worlds interpretation.


Paperaxe t1_isa64mg wrote

Write it anyways your interpretation and characters are what matter in the story


Paperaxe t1_isa66vq wrote

Write it anyways your interpretation and characters are what matter


tomwesley4644 t1_isafk5v wrote

Why would you bin it??? Just because it’s scientifically possible, it doesn’t make it any less cool.


TheDailyOculus t1_isahy94 wrote

Well, I was kinda happy with my new invention, and then when I realized it was hypothesized already in the 60s/70s (or whenever), I kinda lost that spark to keep writing it. I might have also lost it when my old computer crashed...

The story involved a space race between the usual state actors, a female engineer surviving malicious sabotage on the Mars-sol plasma relay station, and one unknown outside force...


Paperaxe t1_isa7pne wrote

Write it anyways your interpretation and characters are what matter in the story


first__citizen t1_isb3lu1 wrote

Well.. you should write it. Single ideas won’t be the success of the novel, it is how you present it and how good is your writing.