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LovinLoveLeigh t1_isefsov wrote someone trying to sell me a bridge.


Everyone is different...who's to say what is right for each individual person?


This sounds like a fever dream... no me gusta...nada. no me gusta nada.


I don't like this trend of trying to transform man into machines. You might not see that in this story, but I do.

I feel like the easiest way to improve the sleep of man is to reduce the stress loaded upon the shoulders of man...

....not this.


I feel like if man were to embrace would lead to the further enslavement of man.


fuck this shit.


The future of technology is a grand delight, but this ain't it.


Rauleigh t1_isewlaj wrote

Yeah! My instinct seeing a lot of these r/futurology articles has been that technology is advancing to the point where we are no longer adapting our environment to us anymore we are creating an environment that we must adapt to. That environment is overwhelmingly economic/systematic in a way that is unsustainable and linear rather than circular. Humans are becoming the most adaptable element of an increasingly inflexible world, so we will continue to be squeezed tighter and tighter between the gears of progress.