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OKAGAKAMI t1_isgblro wrote

I will say that if you give up caffeine, you will realize how little you actually need it to remain awake in the morning. There are plenty of alternatives, your body and brain are just essentially addicted to the caffeine, making you feel like you can’t function without it. Giving up stuff with high caffeine was one of the best things I ever did, I still eat chocolate but outside of that no energy drinks or soda or anything.


Rauleigh t1_isgst1o wrote

Word! Yeah I've gone back and forth on it a couple times. The thing that is of concern/interest I think is the culture that normalizes uppers like caffeine or even Adderall to either keep up with inflexible systems/schedules or to cram in extra activities. Its not necessary but easy to become dependent on substances to supplement our bodies to fit a fast paced environment that doesn't really cater to a lot of our needs.