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[deleted] t1_issedin wrote


KurushSoter t1_issemb0 wrote

The Christian prohibition was based on the idea that you weren’t really talking to your loved ones, you could be talking to anything, including things that behave more or less automatically. Why are you so hostile?

Oh look. You’re just a dipshit stoner that knows nothing about religious history. Have fun.


[deleted] t1_issf7bl wrote



Richey48 t1_issfnt2 wrote

You've taken quite a hostile intrest in this. Can't wait to see you reply to every comment about it on this thread to assert some pseudointelligence (like you already are LOL)


[deleted] t1_issfrf6 wrote



Richey48 t1_issft5k wrote

What a life you must live


[deleted] t1_issfv2y wrote



TripSackNKickBack t1_issmrrr wrote

The ignorant admittance of not having a life. Classic


Thai_Lord t1_isso2i1 wrote

I felt it more arrogant to explain my life than appropriate to say something as ignorant as that. Classic.


[deleted] t1_isso6oe wrote



Thai_Lord t1_issoeaj wrote

You understand the hypocrisy of your statement?

You're talking to a troll on Reddit, you inept fuck.


[deleted] t1_issogrq wrote



Thai_Lord t1_issoqq7 wrote

Lol. Try again at what? Hypocrisy for the sake of hypocrisy?

Enlighten me, please.


[deleted] t1_issouoc wrote



Thai_Lord t1_issp9w7 wrote

"Average cop out after getting insulted on Reddit."

Cool, dude. Project much? I can tell you're trying real hard lol

What else you got? More nothings?


[deleted] t1_isspikf wrote



Thai_Lord t1_isspmx5 wrote

That you're still responding? 😁


TripSackNKickBack t1_isspsp0 wrote

Sorry, do I need to explain what the “reply” button is for? Lol you really are that stupid, it’s kind of astounding.

Just more insults with little to no intelligence from you. I’ll be waiting, but it’s kinda sad that you have nothing smart to say and keep getting wrung out by a troll lmao


Thai_Lord t1_issq7am wrote

Yeah lol. You totally got me.

Do you feel better?


Thai_Lord t1_issqev8 wrote

Ahhhhh. I was like "why is this kid stuck at age 16."

You're a psychonaut kid.


TripSackNKickBack t1_issqje8 wrote

Ooooo and now you’re going through my profile because you have nothing better to say? That’s sad lmao 😭 REALLY tells me how much you lack in intelligence...


KurushSoter t1_issiha9 wrote

Are you just big mad that you think I’m a Christian? Moms not making you go to church anymore little dude, you can let it go


[deleted] t1_istpbbt wrote



KurushSoter t1_istpdmo wrote

If you can’t follow the conversation, you shouldn’t comment.


Unusualus t1_istu8cv wrote

You are not even on the topic jackass!


KurushSoter t1_istv33q wrote

If you can’t follow the conversation, you shouldn’t comment.


Unusualus t1_istwl04 wrote

>!You are not even on the topic jackass! !<


Turbulent-Macaron372 t1_issj3ux wrote

I love seeing someone get dogpiled over an innocuous comment, and I love it when someone is pressed on just slightly and starts talking like an anime villain. Solid thread guys 😁👍


silikus t1_issgwb5 wrote

"not talking to them, just random numbers" "Not talking to their former self" aka "not talking to the person you knew, but something new"

You can see the parallel here, yet you chose to be a hostile douche by calling them dumb and now are trying to claim moral high ground. Most likely because of some deep seeded disdain for the parallel


SteakHoagie666 t1_issjesz wrote

It's uh not. That's kinda the extreme fantasy version of it. Necromancy in religion can be seen as just speaking to the dead. Or 'divining' answers from the dead.

It's seen not a great idea because you could be talking to anything. Demon, yourself, another entity, or whatever.

I think the parallel they were drawing was simply the fact when you "talk to the dead" it's not really them or "may not be".