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griff_the_unholy t1_istci4p wrote

Technically yes, But the economic, technical and safety difficulties are absolutely prohibitive.

The first and most obvious problem is where do you get the hydrogen? The energy balance of electrolysis hydrogen is utterly terrible, and natural gas is better left as natural gas. And it just gets worse as you start to look at the other considerations.

So the true answer: its possible but you definitely dont want to. Unless you are a fossil fuel company trying to greenwash.


floating_crowbar t1_isvdgb3 wrote

Well the Japanese are investing a lot in hydrogen and storing it as liquid ammonia.

is Aurora a startup from U of T - which extracts hydrogen from natural
gas by using microwave pyrolisis (heating up so the carbon precipitates
as a solid) If the microwave heating is done with renewable that it
would be a co2 free method to take advantage of vast reserves of natural
gas and existing infrastructure.