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Otherwise-Anxiety-58 t1_istf4lm wrote

It's easy to make such a treaty when space is a far off dream with no clear benefits, except for scientific interest. I don't see it holding up if we get to the point where there is profit to be had.


kolitics t1_isuf4bx wrote

The more we reach of the infinite resources of space, the less there is to fight over.


AugustusClaximus t1_isuiucm wrote

We are already capable of a post scarcity society, but our greed continues to outpace our production capacity. We could give everyone a roof and a full belly, but others might have to do without a 3rd car and a golf membership. I think it’s foolish to think this will change any time soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t start a war over how the dyson swarms power is allocated in 200 years


m4nu3lf t1_isv7zhs wrote

Isn't it a contradiction to say "we could be in a post scarcity society if we wanted less"?

Btw a lot of wars in modern history were/are also ideologically motivated. War is so destructive today that it's never benefitting either side.


AugustusClaximus t1_isvajbl wrote

I’ll clarify by saying that I think that the concept of post scarcity of society is dubious. There will always be things we find scarce and we will shift our appetites to pursue those things.


Kwelikinz t1_isxswpj wrote

So true! If there becomes any power advantage to be gained, same outcome. Still, I’m hopeful that we can experience a shift in consciousness and practice that would allow peace between all living and non-living things.


makesameansandwich t1_istd7qs wrote

Are they kidding? It will be a free for all, and the biggest, baddest, most ruthless nation states will try to dominate. You really think china will not try to take everything they can?


breaditbans t1_istk2hj wrote

China is a dying imperial power that never actually attained an empire. They just got cut off from the highest end semiconductors. American engineers who work in their tech sector are fleeing the country. And their population is already in rapid decline. The red wave crested, broke and is receding.


makesameansandwich t1_istpba0 wrote

There are still 1.3b of them or so, and even with xi staying in power til death, the country will race towards a future they prepare for. China does not only plan for 5 or 10 years. They plan for 50 or 100 years. Add in the fact that they shipped thousands of well educated chinese males, from the 1 child progrom, to african countries to take over from inside, with no wars, to have access to natural resources, and eventually to be overlords, barring the great road experiment, and china is still ascendent.


Working-Tomatillo857 t1_isudpv1 wrote

Don't be so sure, China has been stealing American IP for decades. If you don't think they are plenty capable of creating their own semiconductors you are dead wrong.


tanrgith t1_isvc9ds wrote

Anyone can create semiconductors, however, creating the most cutting edge high end semiconductors is extremely difficult. So much so that there's only 1 company (ASML) that can actually make those EUV Lithography machines. And unfortunately for China, that's a Dutch company that's banned from exporting those machines to China


Call_of_Tculhu t1_iswrp31 wrote

Imagine the point when billionaires can just afford a space station.


CPHfuturesstudies OP t1_ist9fe3 wrote

Submission Statement: Breaking up in outer space: Will the competition between nation states move into the cosmos? 🌕

In 1967, a historic UN treaty came into force which today, more than five decades later, still forms the basis for international space law.

The Outer Space Treaty was an ambitious document declaring outer space to be a zone for collaboration and peaceful co-existence – a ‘province of all mankind’.

The article was first published in the latest issue of FARSIGHT - Futures Reviewed. The quarterly publication from Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies.


ga-co t1_isti6x1 wrote

We’ll definitely send up missionaries. Historically speaking, they don’t contribute much to stability.


melitini t1_istrrie wrote

Peaceful co-existence is something that we’ve never been able to do in this planet within our species or even with other species… I’d argue the only species capable of doing this are strict vegetarians. I have low to no confidence that humans, outside of converting themselves into some AI form, will ever achieve this.


dnimeerf t1_istmfqf wrote

As the inventor of fusion, general artificial intelligence, and faster than light travel, I am an advocate of intergalactic society and disclosure of post scarcity civilization and the best total positive outcomes for our progeny.


ATR2400 t1_isulmbj wrote

I imagine it’ll have to be revised eventually. There will probably be weapons in space at some point and if things progress far enough eventually nations will want to start claiming land for themselves. Might ad well nip it in the bud instead of pretending that we live in a peaceful Utopia of cooperation


SomberPony t1_isvylf6 wrote

I anticipate mostly peaceful co-existence with bouts of horrifying violence. Basically, building stuff in space is expensive, fragile, and easy to destroy. Best way to avoid it is with a full implication of MAD. You don't smash my stuff with relativist rocks, I don't smash your stuff with nukes. Everyone lives and makes money.

Buuuuuut there are going to be political groups and potentially national entities that will constantly feel entitlement to violate this understanding. I suspect conflict will be more competitive than all out war. After all, blow shit up on earth and there's still land and atmosphere. Blow it up in space and there's nothing but wreckage.


Oldleggrunt t1_istnmfl wrote

Peacfull coexistence? Right... Just wait till we find some resource that can reasonably be brought back to earth for a profit. It'll be red LASERs against blue LASERs...


FuturologyBot t1_istwm5l wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/CPHfuturesstudies:

Submission Statement: Breaking up in outer space: Will the competition between nation states move into the cosmos? 🌕

In 1967, a historic UN treaty came into force which today, more than five decades later, still forms the basis for international space law.

The Outer Space Treaty was an ambitious document declaring outer space to be a zone for collaboration and peaceful co-existence – a ‘province of all mankind’.

The article was first published in the latest issue of FARSIGHT - Futures Reviewed. The quarterly publication from Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies.

Please reply to OP's comment here:


manbearpig0101 t1_isudz68 wrote

Read Three-Body Problem series by Liu Cixin. Some interesting and logical perspective about space society.


tanrgith t1_isv99gy wrote

Of course it's not. There will always be territorial claims that lead to tension

While we're a 1 planet species, that tension will occur between nations. Once we become a multi planet species, the tension will shift to being between planets. Once we become an interstellar species, the tension will shift to being between interstellar nations/organizations


Call_of_Tculhu t1_iswrksl wrote

Well be fighting a war on the moon in 50-100 years