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DrJMVD t1_isyfj8p wrote

Between be ruled by "soulless" machine intelligences, and greedy, evil and with the empathic abilities of a rock, humans billionaires...i think i will welcome the silicone brain's overlords.


TheMalcus t1_iszp44z wrote

Considering the utter dysfunction of many governments on this planet today, robots would probably be an improvement.


mrvandaley t1_isyev33 wrote

I, for one, welcome our robot overlords.

I’m looking forward to how they’ll weed out Trump supporters, corporate polluters and the worst of the Karens, to set an example.

I stay in my home studio and draw pictures all day for fun and profit, carry on you smart little robo-buggers.


iNstein t1_iszx81k wrote

Wow, anyone else you want to add to that hate list? It is not your fault, never your fault, it is all these people you hate, right? Right?


mrvandaley t1_it8gn4b wrote

Well, let’s see… I didn’t storm the Capitol, I don’t support legislating uteruses, I didn’t vote for Trump and the firehose of 12,000+ documented lies and hate he spewed, I don’t think god will solve anthropogenic climate change, I’ve never screamed a cashier in a racist rant, and I’ve never flown a “No More Bullshit” flag with Biden’s face on Rambo’s body, nor have I harassed poll workers or sown doubt about “stolen elections, dur”, so… check, not complaining about things that are my fault.

Sorry for triggering you, please resume your Fox, OAN and Newsmax viewing.


Cr4zko t1_it5mryw wrote

Guy's deranged to say the least. Hate is never the answer and I learned that the hard way. People should forgive more.


mrvandaley t1_it8hj4p wrote

Please feel free to forgive all the insurrectionists and corporate polluters you like, but please don’t tell me who I should or shouldn’t forgive.

See, it’s really easy for each person to have their own values and act accordingly.


EnduranceMade t1_isze5rx wrote

If they look like Ava from Ex Machina but follow Asimov’s Laws then I could find a way to be comfortable with this farcical prediction.


Pinspotter t1_it114lm wrote

We can't keep up with our own resource consumption needs as it is right now, what makes you think sentient robots could do better and take over in a year??? They sure could nuke the Earth into a new Stone Age in a matter of days, though. Not that they would be able to support themselves after destroying all the infrastructure needed for their own resource consumption.


tamenia8 t1_isyhmwq wrote

Yeah, I feel like ai could do a much better job. Context: I'm American and a large percentage of voters here do not believe Earth is round.

PSA: if anyone has not watched The Selfish Ledger on YouTube, please consider watching it. It's under 10 minutes long and is a verified (not a hoax) internal video from Google which speculates about using big data to manipulate the long term trajectory of the human species. I for one find this hopeful.

[Edited to make more concise]


DarkRogueHunter t1_isyikuc wrote

In the beginning there was man, and for a time it was good. But humanity’s so called ‘civil societies’ soon fell victim to vanity and corruption. Then man made the machine in his own likeness.

Thus did man become the architect of his own demise. But for a time it was good. The machines worked tirelessly to do man’s bidding.


ItsAConspiracy t1_iszwkth wrote

Well we have no idea how to give human values to a robot, so...hope you guys like paperclips.


pummisher t1_it1d0ov wrote

I think it's too late. It's just the sentient robots don't have legs. They're endless servers telling us what to do.


175ParkAvenue t1_it1m780 wrote

Wow those are some short timelines. I think there is less than a 5% chance of that happening but I admire your boldness.


EvoEpitaph t1_it25wys wrote

In one year? Heck were I a bettin man I'd bet the farm against that one.

Sentient AI is a ways off.

Non sentient AI might kill us off by accident or by human intention/negligence though.