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TheGrayBox t1_it2bg8q wrote

And you know this purely based on your own feelings, or you actually work in logistics?


Odd_Analyst_8905 t1_it2rtlx wrote

Entire countries are bracing for this change. China is years ahead preparing their labor force.

In America 96% of truckers refused ANY RETRAINING AT ALL. which covered their companies asses. Companies like free money


TheGrayBox t1_it2sea3 wrote

Sure, a change is coming. The nature of that change is probably different from what you and others are thinking.


PunisherASM129 t1_it7085g wrote

In other words, you don't know shit about logistics and have a burning desire to let everyone know that?


[deleted] t1_it7a6xe wrote



Odd_Analyst_8905 t1_it7r5ee wrote

So you don’t say shit. Because that would mean something. That’s man behavior. To make a statement you support. And stand by it.

But you got that other thing. That little kid thing. That snot on his lip all the time-telling adults how to do everything-thing. If I never stand for anything I never risk being wrong thing.

People you’re attracted to will find it an attractive personality trait I assure you. Keep it up. Lots of respect coming out way in life.


TheGrayBox t1_it8im9h wrote

I literally already stated exactly what I meant, it’s the parent comment you replied to. Autonomous trucking is not human-agnostic, it utilizes telemetry instrumentation to automate the highway portion of the drive, which for much of the country means the majority of logistics becomes automated. But people should remember that trucks also deliver to dense urban cores, and navigate city streets and often deliver to warehouses that aren’t owned by massive multi-national corporations with the ability to just modernize on the fly. Most warehouses are fairly hectic places.

The most likely outcome is that long-haul OTR trucking becomes largely automated, with a human or tug that navigates the first and last portions of the drive and parking. But the delivered goods will then still likely be delivered by all manor of human driven day cabs and box trucks, because that is what makes logical sense for navigating delivery to individual destination sites.

It never ceases to amaze me how people actually get legitimately angry and cagey whenever someone suggests that some form of innovation has nuance and isn’t exactly to the degree that r/Futurology wants you think, as if I’m personally trying to hold the world back or something. Lol.

But go off I guess 😅🥴


Odd_Analyst_8905 t1_ita58r6 wrote

No no.. what you’re describing is exactly what I’m talking about. The same thing. I’m just concerned with the communities affected by the exact changes you’re describing.

We agree with how it’s going to roll out. I’m just pointing out it’s going to completely fuck entire populations in America. Places people make a living on the road and come home to a rural life. Doesn’t work if you have to work at the hub.

We’re taking about taking away $55,000 a year jobs from towns where that is good and moving them to cities where they are not. That concerns me because of burger shops in small towns that need that income. It isn’t just magical numbers in a big pot. They are real communities in America, there are many many many of them, and the single way any family makes any money in the entire town us about to be replaced in a few years.

It’s happened to communities before and it’s very ugly. I would like better for Americans. I would like us to prepare with wisdom.

Autonomous trucking is robot irrelevance-atoll. profit driven Americans will step on living children and drown cities for money if we let them. They have proven it countless times. They will kill whole towns for cheaper shipping and we will watch as if we were helpless. We aren’t helpless. We are just finding arguments for not doing anything. Justifying being well payed and satisfied while it happens to other communities.