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Petal_Chatoyance t1_it92lvt wrote

The problem with capitalism is that it always seems to end in a very small 1% owning everything, and everyone else starving, ending up homeless and destitute, no middle class, and those not homeless essentially abused serfs working for a cruel and uncaring oligarchy.

How's your paycheck lately, cuteman? You paying off that lovely home okay? Got that new car this year? You enjoying your vacation days? Got the required minimum million in the bank to begin a reasonable retirement savings?


cuteman t1_it9aumf wrote

>The problem with capitalism is that it always seems to end in a very small 1% owning everything, and everyone else starving, ending up homeless and destitute, no middle class, and those not homeless essentially abused serfs working for a cruel and uncaring oligarchy.

You think that's any different in any other system?

Whether it's communism or feudalism it's the same.

>How's your paycheck lately, cuteman? You paying off that lovely home okay? Got that new car this year? You enjoying your vacation days? Got the required minimum million in the bank to begin a reasonable retirement savings?

I do very well because I've worked hard and built it from nothing.


harrry46 t1_it9e298 wrote

You are, in all probability, arguing with an edgy teenager that frequents r/antiwork or any other of the chaos and anarchy forums. Save your breath. It's a lost cause.


cuteman t1_it9yz7a wrote

This being reddit that's more the rule than the exception these days unfortunately.


keviscount t1_itax5ow wrote

> The problem with capitalism is that it always seems to end in a very small 1% owning everything

Eh closer to top 20% owning 80% of things, most of the time.

> Got the required minimum million in the bank to begin a reasonable retirement savings?

If you think you need $1mil to begin saving for retirement then I suggest you stop posting online and get back to studying hard in school. Learn to code and don't piss away your teenage years being a doomer.


Petal_Chatoyance t1_ite08hi wrote

I'm 62, and I have seen things and lived things you cannot even imagine.