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Rodney890 t1_it7nnjc wrote

I'm a design student and have been thinking about it a lot. The thing I keep coming back to is this. For the foreseeable future someone has to direct it. If it could literally do everything on its own far more than just designers would have to worry about thier jobs. So, you fire your design team. So who's gonna direct it? The secretary? I think with every new innovation that let's us make more stuff our endless apatite for content also increases. So, will it costs current designers and illustrators thier jobs? There's a very real chance. But its almost guaranteed whole new fields will be created. Sorta like how a shit load of the traditional effects industry lost their jobs after Jurassic Park. But now there's more effects jobs than ever (and practical effects is still a large industry.)


Eralsol t1_it81vdp wrote

Normally I don't consider myself an expert, but I'm fairly certain you will face the same us translators did a couple years ago and still do:

Designer Jobs won't disappear, but they will indeed be reduced. You still need someone to direct it, but the number of raw employees can be reduced due to ai.

For example, a 6000 words urgent job needed 4 people, 3 translators each taking 2000 and a proofreader checking all 6.

Now you just need the proofreader doing postediting.

I'm sure designers will become posteditors as well. Taking raw designs from AI as a base.


IniNew t1_it8c1ox wrote

I don’t think translations and design are quite comparable.

Design work, at least in UX-UI is not “do this task” - execute - hand over. There’s still a ton if subjectivity.

It might replace things like templates did for web design - some smaller companies will opt for this instead of paying someone to do it, but anything higher than a landing page is still going to be looking for designers.


Eralsol t1_it8dqze wrote

Saying translation is only "do task, execute, hand over" is as silly as if I said "well, design is only "open PS, paint some lines, color them, hand over".

As if translation didn't have jokes, inuendos, paraphrasing, etc.

My comment is just a cautionary tale, that it is unwise to think AI will not be able to have more creative aspects to it (we are seeing it right now already).


Rodney890 t1_it83r1v wrote

For sure things will get wierd. But i also think a lot of new fields will be created. I've been trying to research it. What it comes down to is, automation is wierd and you can never really tell with new tech. I've been trying to be as objective as possible and not be on copium since I'm in school for it. Did you ever have these talks with other translators as the tech emerged and how has it impacted you're career?


Eralsol t1_it85dwa wrote

Indeed, have talked about this with my translator students, after stopping being on copium myself.

How has it impacted my career? In my case, for the better, but that's because I managed to climb the corporate ladder high enough fortunately, but I'm sure it's not so great for those who didn't. We'll still need translators, but not as much as we did even 5 years ago.

The only tip I can give you is the same I gave my students: competition will be even more fierce than it was before; polish that resume, polish your skills, keep learning, and embrace the technology instead of denying it, because you'll compete against people that will do all of that and more.


Rodney890 t1_it87bnh wrote

Yeah, more or less what I've been told. It's really changed up how I'm thinking about the stuff I'm making for my portfolio. It's kinda cool ngl.

Thanks for the advice 😁


nox_nox t1_it8it1d wrote

This is already being done with simple design software that uses lots of prefab pieces for people to click and drag to make their designs.

AI software may exacerbate this trend, but at the same time everything starts to look the same when using those tools. I suspect the same will be true to some level for AI design and art.

Unique design work will still probably be best served by a quality designer. Whether they use those tools or not will be their choice. But implementation and art direction are something AI will take a long while to catch up with. Just like self driving cars can do some things really well but fail at other aspects.

I'm a graphic designer and have been professionally for the last 16 years. Just the capabilities in non-ai based design software have made leaps and bounds of progression from when I started. The benefit in those improvements have cut my working time for specific tasks. I think future AI will mostly cut work times more and allow people with fewer resources greater access to more professional looking design.

But tools don't make good design, I've seen lots of garbage from people with access to the same tools as myself.


starstruckmon t1_it7wyxo wrote

>So who's gonna direct it? The secretary?

The marketing team? Instead of communicating with a designer they'd communicate with an AI.


Rodney890 t1_it803a6 wrote

I'm not so sure. Marketers aren't designers and a huge part of a designer's job is to explain to marketing people why something should be a certain way. Plus, I'm not sure a marketing team wants to deal with it. A large reason businesses owners hire photographers and designers is because they don't wanna deal with it themselves, even though anyone can use canva and most people have a servicable camera in their pocket. Plus, designers are responsible for making sure huge campaigns are consistent and it's all documented so everything is always consistent. Something AI aren't doing (yet)


starstruckmon t1_it816bi wrote

If we're talking about directly using the current text to image generators, thats true. But that's not what I'm talking about.

The real fun starts when you start connecting them to language models

This is an example with GPT3. But will get better in the coming years ( year? ) with even more powerful LLMs, especially the multimodal ones that can directly inagine visuals instead of just text that is passed to the text-to-image renderer ( the rendering model might still be used for the final composition but it helps to have the designer model be able to think in actual visual terms ).


Rodney890 t1_it82noo wrote

And at that point way more then designers will be at risk. Another interesting point is that we can already automate a shit load of white collar jobs.


iiJokerzace t1_it97b7g wrote

I think what is going to happen is not completely remove jobs, but dramatically reduce number of positions needed.

Still, I don't think human creativity will be dead. In fact, I think it will get better as we see what AI can inspire us with.


neoplastic_pleonasm t1_it9ahx5 wrote

If you take a look at the various AI art subs, you'll find that the most impressive works by far tend to be by people who were already artists.


Telkk2 t1_it9nipd wrote

Bingo. I'm in a startup that designs AI writing and production tools and an indie filmmaker. I reached the same exact conclusions, which has been guiding us to create user-controlled AI generative media. The future isn't just outsourcing. Its giving everyone what only rich people can and assistants.