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Ijustdowhateva t1_it7vapi wrote

It truly astonishes me how shortsighted people are about this technology in particular.

There seems to be some weird concensus that, just because the models aren't perfect right now, that this tech is just going to be another tool for "real artists" to use.

In reality, the next decade is going to see the near entire replacement of artists at every level of creation, and in multiple fields. Photography is just the beginning, music and video will soon be the next pieces to fall.

You can sit there and say things like "It doesn't have a soul / I don't even LIKE the images made by AI / It'll always need human input!" all you want, but stop and ask yourself when the last time was that technological progress stopped just because a small group of people felt threatened.

Synthetic media is the future of entertainment. The only input it'll need from humans is when you tell it what you want to watch / hear / play.

(Downvote all you want. Won't change anything.)


just-cuz-i t1_it945v7 wrote

We already watch synthetic media we literally call “computer generated images.” The field employs more people than ever worked in traditional effects and we all love (most of) their work.


FoolishInvestment t1_itay4qg wrote

I don't think AI will ever be able to satisfy the needs of furries. They need their Fursona with all of its little details and neon colors.


Psiweapon t1_it89liu wrote

The onus of proof is on your side to explain why in freezing blazes is this a future worth pursuing.


Ijustdowhateva t1_it8gqhm wrote

The ability to instantly create any piece of media you want sounds fun, not to mention its faster and cheaper than having to deal with other people.


Psiweapon t1_it8i0fk wrote

Incredibly deep and well studied motivations to base the future of several cultural sectors on, to be sure...


Ijustdowhateva t1_it8ifrd wrote

I could think it's a good idea because it's fun or because it channels chakral spirit energy into pixel form, doesn't matter. This is coming whether you like it or not.


Frostivus t1_it8sspn wrote

Technology did not care for artisans with automation. What mattered was the bottom line. Money. Efficiency. Capitalism.

The average joe cared little as long as they got their cheap iPhones. The companies will now get an AI to do the work of millions for the price of a few.

People would cry foul up until they get a new Marvel movie with millions of hours of manpower’s worth of visual effects made only possible with AI. And none of the ‘overworked’ stuff we are already seeing.

There is no pursuit. This is already the direction.


Psiweapon t1_it8t6h8 wrote

The dereliction of agency is astonishing


Frostivus t1_it93b9w wrote

You can expend your limited human energy to fight progress, or you can seek to understand it, adapt to it, and then influence it.

But Pandora’s box is open, and if you think we can go back, then the onus is on you to explain why.