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samwe5t t1_it8bkce wrote

How could this replace artists? Doesn't this just take a bunch of sample art made by humans and mash it up in an "intelligent" way? You would still need humans to create new ideas. AI doesn't have that yet


symonym7 t1_it8dwud wrote

Most “new” ideas have always just been mash-ups of existing ideas.


Captn_Porky t1_it8nz3k wrote

Individuals different perception, and different perspectives give them new ideas


samwe5t t1_it8m0tn wrote

Well, yeah, there are a lot of mediocre and bad artists. But there are at least some good artists who produce new ideas. There are no AIs that can do that


bric12 t1_it8weeg wrote

I think you're overestimating how creative good artists are. Sure, they have good ideas, but it's very rare that it's ever in a completely new style that's never been seen before, and is also good. You're also underestimating how creative a neural network can be at trying to fulfill constraints.

Humans definitely still have the edge in creativity, I'm just saying the gap is much smaller than you're implying


symonym7 t1_it92ejm wrote

Picasso was, well, Picasso because he was constantly working; producing an absurd amount of material and [probably] collecting some form of feedback that modulated his direction. With AI (DAL•E for example) you’ve got thousands+ of human inputs, millions of interpretations, and instant feedback in the form of whichever interpretation the human inputs are choosing.

Good art can provide the illusion of magic, but that didn’t just happen one day - it took literal eons of trial and error and AI’s doing that in, y’know, less than eons.


Krystami t1_it91h64 wrote

All ai art I have seen has has the same rendering style despite different art styles and art qualities.

The highest quality pieces have the same rendering as the purposefully lowest quality looking ai art.

There could be a hyper realistic piece, a styled one, anime, Chibi, animal, landscape, etc. it is all rendered the same regardless of style.

What is the default resolution on images without upscaling (which still changes what the image looks like I noticed)

Are there able to be intertwined layers that can be moved around with transparency?


nitrohigito t1_it8xtoh wrote

You provide the idea via a textual prompt that the model then uses as a basis.


SketchyCharacters t1_it90kvc wrote

Say you want to make a new album cover for your upcoming piece. Before, you’d ask for a studio for a graphic designer, photographer, etc but if you’re not looking for anything perfect then AI art can pretty much do all their jobs.


MongolianMango t1_it92zii wrote

Think of that this way.

In a movie, a director asks actors and camera people to move around in a way that captures the vision he is in his mind.

When someone commissions artwork, they are doing the same thing as a director - they want a certain character a certain way in a certain style.

So rather than hire an artist, you would hire and manipulate an AI. For an artist to compete, they would need to be able to better capture a person's vision than a computer and also do so at a rate that's economical, which as tech progresses will be difficult. Already, art that is purely descriptive (I want you to paint me a girl with a sword) is essentially obsolete for human artists to compete with.


Black_RL t1_itb9hgd wrote

You text the ideas, go check DALL•E, Stable Diffusion or Mid Journey.