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miggsd28 t1_itfjq1u wrote

The big problem with this for me is what ever technological signature we do see is thousands to millions to billions of light years away. So that civilization has either collapsed or advanced a terrifying amount. If some advanced tech that hasn’t discovered how to see faster than light looked at earth they would see the beginning of the dark ages


Impossible_Garbage_4 t1_itgadto wrote

Or it could be like… 10 Lightyears over. We just don’t know.


miggsd28 t1_itgg7k3 wrote

But that’s only a handful of stars. Statistically they probably won’t be


Xw5838 t1_itmf3ek wrote

There are hundreds of stars within a few hundred light years of earth with stars that are as old if not older than our sun.

Also interstellar travel only seems difficult to a planet bound civilization that has to depend on primitive rockets. Just like oceanic travel seemed difficult to people who only had canoes.


miggsd28 t1_itmhi3k wrote

Ya but hundreds on a galactic scale is a very small handful it’s .000000001% of the stellar systems in the universe . As for the travel thing I agree that’s why I emphasized a civ that doesn’t have beyond light speed capabilities