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lughnasadh OP t1_ithollz wrote

>>Am I missing something? I thought 5G was just a faster cellular data spec

No, its much more than that.

That's because it will allow massive data speeds ( 1-4 Gbit/s) with almost no latency (the best 5G is in single digits milliseconds).

5G will be the platform for virtual reality, augmented reality, remote human control of robots/drones, and for an Internet of Things will trillions of sensors.

It's hard to imagine it not being the main computing planform in the 2030's. Who on earth would want Windows or Android when you could have 5G delivering what its capable of. Today's computing planforms will look geriatric in comparison.


NebXan t1_ithtkly wrote

> Who on earth would want Windows or Android when you could have 5G delivering what its capable of. [sic]

I'm still not sure I understand. 5G is fast, yes, but it's still just a way of transmitting data. How is it a replacement for an OS?

Cloud computing is nothing new and it's nothing special, it's just someone else's computer.


Psychomadeye t1_itj51pu wrote

5G is just the microwave spectrum. Specifically the spectrum ranging from 24.25–29.5 GHz


danielv123 t1_itk7gat wrote

No, it's a specification. It covers many other spectrums as well.


Psychomadeye t1_itk83ih wrote

It sorta dips into the radio spectrum on the low end, but anything commonly used is most likely going to be used in the microwave spectrum is it not?


danielv123 t1_itk9gh6 wrote

Maybe if you count by number of bytes, but by time on network it will be mostly in the 4g frequencies for a decade yet.


pantbash t1_iti7qok wrote

In 5G you move a load of compute into the RAN ( or as close as possible), maybe that is what they are getting at


lughnasadh OP t1_ithw1ld wrote

> How is it a replacement for an OS?

I'm sure Windows, Android, and iOS will still be around in the 2030's, and I'm sure they will have plenty of 5G apps.

However, it's likely the OS that dominates 5G hasn't been built yet.

None of the three main OS's have any meaningful VR/AR features now. If China gets to widespread 5G adoption first (likely), then the first software companies to be building apps for 10's and 100's of millions of 5G consumers will be Chinese.

I can't see them doing this on legacy western OS's that aren't fit for 5G purposes in the first place.

There's a popular video that looks at what the experience of a VR/AR OS might be like called Hyper-Reality


Lurker_81 t1_itigfq9 wrote

> I'm sure Windows, Android, and iOS will still be around in the 2030's, and I'm sure they will have plenty of 5G apps.

This is gibberish. 5G is just a communications protocol like WiFi. 5G is already currently in use on all 3 operating systems you listed.

> None of the three main OS's have any meaningful VR/AR features now.

Utterly false. Almost all AR/VR capabilities currently in existence are implemented in one of these 3 operating systems....alongside 5G.

Your statements make absolutely no sense.


Jonsj t1_ithxlx4 wrote

Why would not google and apple build apps capable of utilizing 5g? So far as I understand western companies are ahead of china in both platforms as well in the microchips required to run these.


Complete_Potato9941 t1_iti4eq0 wrote

I am yeeting out…. 5G is just architecture to transport data faster than 4G… if in general you look at nation state actors they always find a way… too much money and time. I find it funny that you believe that none of the “Main three OS’s” have VR features but either way VR is a joke right now, it’s too expensive and no one wants to stand or sit with a relatively heavy headset on their head. The hyper reality video you link is what people believe a some thing could be taken to an extreme. In general other providers are used less as huawei has always be about 1/2 of the price of the competition. This article talks about software defined networks allowing them to be faster to mobilize however it’s common for miss configuration. I really don’t believe you even read the article you linked.


skelleton_exo t1_itis6t2 wrote

5G is still just a networking technology. Its higher bandwidth and lower latency may open up new use cases.

But that does not make 5G a computing platform. Nor does an operating system dominate a networking technology that sentence just does not make sense. Also lets be realistic even if Chinese companies develop their own mobile operating systems, they will still be Linux or BSD based. No company is going to develop an operating system from scratch, when they can start with something that saves them countless development hours.

5G hardware is already supported by plenty of operating systems. And operating system support is actually not that crucial outside of mobile devices. Because if it is used in a traditional network, then an edge device like a router will handle the connection.

Also APPs don't need to specifically support 5G. They may be able to take advantage of the higher bandwidth and lower latency. But that will not require them to directly program for any specific 5G hardware. Low latency connections are also something that already exists, 5G simply improves those things for mobile applications.

VR does not necessarily need any networking, AR could be different, but I can see how there is more of a need for processing beyond what you would want to do on mobile devices, so being able to offload will help with applications there.

Also the truly important technologies on the backend are going to be in industry applications. And the players can simply set up their own 5G networks. Daimler for example started with that already a while ago.

Especially for these big companies hardware with potential back doors from China is unacceptable.

Honestly with the way you are throwing around buzzwords, you sound like some troll with no understanding of the tech you are writing about.


B-krytical t1_itke6uu wrote

You honestly sound like you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.


Prowler1000 t1_itjyx5r wrote

Do you have any clue what 5G is? Or maybe the better question is, do you know what Windows or what Android is?