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FuturologyBot t1_itli7hv wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/lughnasadh:

Submission Statement

These capsules are designed to be partially reusable, and NASA hopes to get 3 missions out of each. They are for the Artemis VI-VIII missions. Artemis V will be the 3rd crew lunar landing of the Artemis program, and is at the lunar south pole, presumably to assess locations for a base. Its proposed Artemis VI-VIII will land components of that lunar base.

Many people wonder how SpaceX will affect these plans. Presumably, its Starship will be in operation in the second half of this decade, and will ultimately render the SLS obsolete.

China is detailing its plans for a base at the lunar south pole on a similar time frame and options to land commercial payloads with lunar landers are starting up too. It seems likely by the time we get to 2030 today's plans might need updating.

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