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Evil-Sometimes t1_itp3r1m wrote

I imagine watching videos one day where you will not be able to tell the difference between them and reality.


izumi3682 OP t1_itp6her wrote

Oh, that is probably less than 5 years away. Have you seen "text to video" AI technology yet?


Dwarfdeaths t1_itq8u5a wrote

I mean that's mostly a limitation of the display, not the internet. You can already play videos with a higher bitrate than your internet if you download them beforehand.


Evil-Sometimes t1_itsm54y wrote

Yeah, but don’t you need better data speeds for the machines that make the display? You would think that the engineering of it would take a considerable amount of complex calculations to figure it out.


Dwarfdeaths t1_itsnii6 wrote

Not that I'm aware of. If you're using massive simulation to explore design space the limiting factor is usually computation, not transfer. And you don't have to transfer that data often, even so. We transmit way more data in media.


Garland_Key t1_ituqmf6 wrote

4k is already indistinguishable imho. The only thing lacking at this point is depth, which requires VR. Perhaps we'll be able to stream videos to our brains that are perceived as real once Neurolink tech is more advanced?


Evil-Sometimes t1_itx2dox wrote

In my opinion I hope not. I feel like the brain is a territory we shouldn’t mess with. Imagine the things that can be done to your mind.

If some sort of hacker got a hold of the system, they could make you start hallucinating things. That, or if we got to this point, some sort of authority could start manipulating memories.