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jackpandanicholson t1_itpv50c wrote

  1. So do regular cars. The first automobiles were expensive and unattractive compared to horse drawn carriages. They understand 99% of common items, its the last 1% that is the problem.
  2. Are you against automation in other industries? What problem did the steam engine solve or the printing press? We had scribes to write copy books.
  3. Making something that requires labor not require labor, and ultimately making it safer is a good idea. There's no reason to rabidly defend humans driving. We are bad at it, in the US alone 40,000 people die per year in auto accidents. Just because technology doesn't immediately out perform humans doesn't mean an idea is bad. We were pretty bad at sending rocks to space for quite some time.

goblinbox t1_itpx30v wrote

You believe we can write software that can respond to the world in real time and make good decisions. Or that we can make it train itself.

Well, I don't. It'll take actual AI, which doesn't exist, and probably won't.

Effective robots work in highly constrained environments.

There's no way to build a robot that can drive on real roads in the real world with all the unpredictability that entails.

Software is stupid. Self-driving cars solve no extant problems and introduce new, avoidable ones.

Keep working on AI, sure, but not on public roads.


jackpandanicholson t1_itpxljg wrote

I do believe that, it's already being done. Autonomous cars are already on real roads. I have a PhD in computer science and am an expert in AI, what are your qualifications?


goblinbox t1_itq0z4n wrote

yes, they're already on real roads, and they suck: they run over children, and are confused when there's a street sign in an unexpected location, but you want my qualifications?

we don't have AI capable of safely driving cars on real roads in real world conditions, and probably won't in our lifetimes, if, indeed, ever

it's a fascinating discipline to study, sure, but we don't need self-driving cars, and I don't agree that 'some deaths' are worth training AI on real roads, just so the results can eventually be applied to some other application.

training AI on real streets should be illegal. software is stupid, and nowhere near the human brain in terms of assessing and reacting to unexpected situations, in 3D, at speed, in a rolling potential bomb, surrounded by soft, unprotected human bodies.


sometimes-stupid t1_itq55im wrote

Did you have an incident with a self driving car? Sounds like youve got personal experience that has shaped your view


goblinbox t1_ityeuw3 wrote

I did not, no.

I just have regular, normal compassion for (easily avoidable) human suffering.