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thisischemistry t1_itutwpo wrote

> Hydrogen is the way to go for the automotive industy and internal combustion engines.

Hydrogen has a lot of tough problems to conquer and it may never be a viable energy storage medium. It embrittles components, it tends to leak easily, it's expensive to produce, difficult to transport and store, and so on. It's also not a fuel, it's an energy storage medium so you need to produce the energy to create it in the first place. At that point you might as well put that energy into a medium that doesn't have all the problems that hydrogen has.

There are a few promising methods of using hydrogen to store energy but they are still in the experimental stages and may never get off the ground. For example, you can store hydrogen in metal hydrides or use it to produce ammonia and then release it from those to use as a fuel when you need it. There are still problems to be overcome with these storage methods but they are probably leaps and bounds better than storing hydrogen as a cryogenic liquid or under high pressures.


garsk t1_itv19nd wrote

Flame less oxidation with a linear generator is the way to go.