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Keeperofthe7keysAf-S t1_itx8oha wrote

You couldn't be more wrong lol. You realize a lot of this methane capture we do is from landfills right? bacteria in tons of organisms and the decay there of, produce methane. It isn't unique to cows. How do you think all that natural gas was produced before there were cows exactly?

And I will once again point out that, concern about an increase in methane that exists at the same time, although it will also decay back into CO2 at the same rate, is an argument for not against burning it to convert it back to the CO2 it was and will reenter the atmosphere as even if we didn't do anything. However, this will skip the 20 years it would take to naturally decay to CO2 and H2O.

> Also "carbon conjured from nothing"???? What on earth are you talking about????

You keep insisting cows somehow add carbon but they don't. They, like all other animals, get their carbon from plant or other animal sources which, ultimately, get it from the atmosphere. No new carbon is introduced in this process yet you insist otherwise as if it just spawns into existence.


HerbHurtHoover t1_itx9f9t wrote

Uh..... ok? We are talking about the meat industry.... why are you talking about landfills....

You are insane, you know that?

I also never said cows add new carbon to the world. I said that the cycle is not carbon neutral. There is a net addition of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere.

Please, go get checked out. Im not replying to anymore of your batshit responses.


Keeperofthe7keysAf-S t1_itxb1jm wrote

>Uh..... ok? We are talking about the meat industry.... why are you talking about landfills....

No, we're talking about capturing methane from waste to burn as fuel, thereby preventing it's otherwise release into the atmosphere and it is carbon neutral despite emitting CO2 because that carbon came from and would decay back into CO2 anyways, so no new carbon is being produced.

>You are insane, you know that?

What do you call yourself repeating the same nonsense in total denial of any scientific reality?

>I also never said cows add new carbon to the world.

Yes you did, multiple times, it's all there in the scrollback.

Your responses have been nothing but batshit and literally advocating for more harm simply because you don't understand the biochemistry here.