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Keeperofthe7keysAf-S t1_itxb1jm wrote

>Uh..... ok? We are talking about the meat industry.... why are you talking about landfills....

No, we're talking about capturing methane from waste to burn as fuel, thereby preventing it's otherwise release into the atmosphere and it is carbon neutral despite emitting CO2 because that carbon came from and would decay back into CO2 anyways, so no new carbon is being produced.

>You are insane, you know that?

What do you call yourself repeating the same nonsense in total denial of any scientific reality?

>I also never said cows add new carbon to the world.

Yes you did, multiple times, it's all there in the scrollback.

Your responses have been nothing but batshit and literally advocating for more harm simply because you don't understand the biochemistry here.