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Million2026 t1_iu9fcfy wrote

Population control through family planning encouragement needs to be funded for Africa.

The west needs more than a 0.8 fertility rate but we also can’t have a continent with a fertility rate of 4.5.

We need to get the world down to a 2 point something fertility rate plus or minus a small amount.


wernermuende t1_iu9m6o4 wrote

The only thing you need for that is female education and workforce participation


Jahobes t1_iua1bkq wrote

Fuck population control. Instead just improve education and standards of living and human nature will handle the rest.


Halbaras t1_iucvrj5 wrote

If Bangladesh can drop it's fertility rate from almost 7 to less than 2 through a well-organised -to-door family planning campaign, any country can.


KmartQuality t1_iuagh6a wrote

China and Korea can stop sex altogether but they'll never accept migration.
