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tka11486 t1_iu9j8t2 wrote

This article is so patronizing. The author is so shocked to find swiss chocolates in Africa? There is a lot of wealth in these countries, and Ghana has been a global example of good governance for years. Somehow I doubt the population model adjusts for any complexities, ie changing behavior as incomes increase or climate change


KmartQuality t1_iuagr5a wrote

I know next to nothing about Africa governance. You say Ghana is well governed? I would love to learn more.

I also heard Rwanda is the silicon valley of Africa. Rwanda went through some crazy shit not long ago.

I'm curious.


tka11486 t1_iuak6u7 wrote

This summary from the World Bank sums it up nicely:

  • Multi-party democracy with independent judiciary
  • Consistently ranks in the top 3 African countries for press and freedom of speech
  • Rapid GDP growth of 7% in the years before the pandemic


asarualim t1_iubyrwa wrote

Good to hear something positive happening in Africa. I wish the rest of the continent does as well.


spartan1008 t1_iu9ko78 wrote

changing behaviour is generational, and it takes several.


tka11486 t1_iu9l0d2 wrote

Agreed - but given that this is an 80 year forecast, feels like long term variables are important here.


Halbaras t1_iucv28v wrote

Is it? The author is clearly well traveled in West Africa, they're surprised because things have seemingly changed so fast.

While I think that population growth will probably decline more than predicted as Africa gets rich, it's worth noting that certain African countries (particularly Nigeria and Uganda) have already hit insanely high population densities before they've become developed, and will see ridiculously fast urbanisation.


No_Breadfruit_2639 t1_iudvcgm wrote

This is true. And the rich ones don't like to have more than 2 babies in their actual marriage but will act sugar daddy for many young adult females which also gives him the options to keep or abort babies.


RVAforthewin t1_iud00bm wrote

I didn’t get the impression the author was shocked to find Swiss chocolates in Africa. I think the author was shocked to find Swiss chocolates in a place he previously knew to be rural, or at least not as developed as it is now. It’s no different than returning to my hometown and being shocked at the mounds of development that’s occurred since I moved away.


No_Breadfruit_2639 t1_iucvx6c wrote

You are absolutely Right. There's swiss chocolate in Ghana, Cote D'Ivoire and Nigeria. If there will ever be change in social, or even climate change, there must be a revolution.