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EightEqualsEqualsDe t1_iu0kg3l wrote

It is kinda funny to imagine the same thing causing uncontrolled growth of the universe is the same thing responsible for causing uncontrolled growth in human cells


ajmcgill t1_iu0v39v wrote

You’re confusing dark matter with dark energy. Dark energy is what’s causing the universe’s accelerating explanation


Sagebrush_Slim t1_iu21fd5 wrote

Is that like this big dick energy and tiger blood I hear the whippersnappers talking about these days?


imadethisaccountso t1_iu4ps08 wrote

I am not a lawyer but i thought mass and energy were related somehow


imafraidofmuricans t1_iu4vn0w wrote

"Dark" in astronomy and physics just means "we don't know wtf this is but the math says there is something".

Dark energy to cover the expansion, dark matter to cover why galaxies are more massive than they "should " be.


_Blackstar t1_iu17uyk wrote

Other way around though. Dark matter is believed to be the binding agent of the universe; gas and dust falls into the dark matter pockets that have coalesced over the eons and that creates everything from stars to galactic filaments. It's dark energy that's pushing the universe and causing it to grow exponentially.


Faruhoinguh t1_iu249lc wrote

the growth is from dark energy, not dark matter.