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Eladriol t1_iuqes53 wrote

No, 11 months (assuming you take the start of the pandemic as roughly mid feb)

That the delivery platform had been under research for decades doesn't mean that every vaccine using that platform is safe and effective. The specific vaccines delivered were evaluated individually and approved for emergancy use in the same year that covid 19 was first identified.


playdohfunfactory t1_iuqq66r wrote

Yea, double down on the stupid. That'll show 'em.


Eladriol t1_iuqqlho wrote

Where am I incorrect?

The virus was first reviewed internationally c. Jan-feb 2020,

vaccines from multiple delivery paths (not just mnra) were individually tested in 2020

Based on those individual trials, some vaccines were approved starting from around December 2020

Therefore the vaccines were developed and trialled in c. 10-11 months

I think your argument is that because some underlying technologies, like mrna which supports 2 of the vaccines used, were developed before the pandemic the trial period was decades. I think that's as stupid as saying a car developed in 2022 was tested for over a century because of the model T.


playdohfunfactory t1_iur137m wrote

Let's save us both some time.

If you don't want to get vaccinated, don't get vaccinated.

If you want to be a member of the secret cool guy's club that knows the "real truth" about covid and vaccines and flat earth and TrUmP AcTuAlLy WoN tHe ElEcTiOn, etc...then uh, fine I guess?

But please run along and do that somewhere else. The adults are having a conversation in here.


Eladriol t1_iur1qag wrote

I am in fact vaccinated, though not sure why thats relevant to whether weve tested for decades a vaccine against a virus first identified in 2020. I'm also not american so I don't know why trump comes into it, other than he obviously has had a massive impact on your mental health.

Anyway I see you've veered of into random noise and screeching rather than try to defend your claim the covid vaccine was In development for longer than the virus has existed. So I agree, let's not waste any time - continue screaming into the void.