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CremeImportant2347 t1_iuwatt0 wrote

Just spitballing here…what if Twitter charged $5/month for a blue check and unlimited tweets and everyone else paid $0.05 per tweet. Accounts can read tweets for free but accounts need a verified payment method to tweet.

Using shillyshally’s assumptions above if 10% of users pay $5/month that’s $175 million/month or $2.1 billion annually. According to Google there are about 500 million tweets per day at $0.05 per tweet that’s over $9 billion per year. (Of course that would be lower because of the unlimited accounts and people tweeting less often).

I can see the combination of verified payment method and $/per tweet significantly reducing bots/trolls/and misinformation. A cleaner platform may encourage more actual people to use it in the long run.

I could also see a revenue sharing model where people who pay $5/month share in the revenue generated by their tweets. Like they receive $0.01 per comment/retweet plus a share of the ad revenue derived from their account. Under those circumstances an unlimited user would have a “free” Account if they generate 500 comments/retweets per month. Those “free” accounts would generate $25/month in tweet revenue for Twitter, $20/month profit. Assuming 10% of accounts reach that threshold that’s about $8.5 billion in additional net revenue for Twitter.

Obviously market research would need to back these assumptions but I could see something like this turning Twitter into a very profitable business with higher quality content.