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ChanThe4th t1_iuwwzso wrote

Uh, the A.I. that essentially solved protein folding would like a word.


Katdai2 t1_iuwzq05 wrote

And that word would be “data”.


ChanThe4th t1_iuxmcum wrote

Uh, so you're telling me the A.I. is capable of creating new solutions from pre-existing data? And that is different from my implication in what way exactly?


WashiBurr t1_iux8lc7 wrote

I'm sorry, but that's just not true. If an AI could only handle situations identical to the data it trained on then it would be pretty useless when deployed into the real world where data would almost certainly not match up perfectly. So it obviously needs to be capable of (and is capable of) extrapolation beyond what it is trained on. So it is obviously more than what you call a "pattern duplicator." AI does pick out patterns in huge amounts of data that can meaningfully represent a solution to a problem though.