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cutekitty1029 t1_iv051iu wrote

It's really lazy and harmful to just say "there's too many people" as though some poor subsistence farmer in the global south has the same culpability as a gas guzzling westerner with two cars and a meat based diet.

There are too many hyperconsumers in the west. That's the primary issue and driver of emissions and the thing we need to stop immediately.


masala_mayhem t1_iv07cmk wrote

Thank you @cutekitty1029 for saying that. Have had an opportunity to travel across villages in rural India, sri lanka, Bangladesh and their impact on the planet is absolutely negligible when compared to the impact of the average Redditor.

Also, there are far too many hyper consumers everywhere - and now Manila and Mumbai want the same level of consumption as Manchester and Memphis. We need to cut down consumption


Artanthos t1_iv0xh0c wrote

Any species will expand to the destruction of its environment without natural controls.

Humans are no exception.


CaseyTS t1_iv11sp2 wrote

Yes, we all see this happening. The question is how to not do that as humans. We have made HUGE strides in the past century. Probably won't be enough, who knows. Certainly not you or me.


ImJustSo t1_iv0xq4z wrote

Well, I'd like to point out the culpability of corporations as well...

Unchecked and unregulated corporations. They're "producers" of carnage and consumers of the planet to feed their profits. Nestle? Enron? Gazprom?

Corporations (and entire industries) give those "hyperconsumers" the means to consume their product.

The oil/auto industry murdered early public transportation and early EVs. If these leaches on society hadn't set up shop and pillaged the planet, then the United States would have passenger trains and bus access to every inch of the country without anymore impact than your neighbor and his neighbor and hers.

What about Nestle? Bottling water and selling it back to the people the steal it out from under?

I don't think people should be driving around real life Tonka trucks to their 9-5 jobs, but I don't think they should even exist in the first place. It's murder.


TarantinoFan23 t1_iv0ez58 wrote

How about sports? Athletes should just be farmers.


Mediocremon t1_iv0qn9a wrote

Make them play football with hoes strapped to their back, and move the field every day.


ImJustSo t1_iv0ycex wrote

Push plows are a thing. Football sleds are also a thing. I feel that they're just a few nuts and bolts away from being a great way for rural football teams to help out their farming communities.


Mediocremon t1_iv0yxgv wrote

We're solving world issues one goofy sport at a time.


ImJustSo t1_iv10lrn wrote

Right to repair? Who needs tractors when you've got teenagers that want a state championship?


Mediocremon t1_iv11ds1 wrote

The fight for the "right to repair" suddenly becomes "healthcare for all" to fix the broken child labourers