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Graekaris t1_iv0f7kl wrote

You're neglecting the fact that science is highly statistical. It's never certain about anything, and environmental collapse is no exception. The message is that there's a high probability of this ecosystem being destroyed in the near future due to human influence.

You can wear sunscreen to reduce the chance of getting skin cancer, but the probability will never be zero. That doesn't mean it's "not a science based act" to wear sunscreen.


DrHalibutMD t1_iv0l437 wrote

You’re absolutely right. The argument being put forward that this information isn’t useful is the same as climate change denial. We can’t do anything because the science hasn’t proven anything yet. Of course we won’t fully know until it does happen and we’re past the point of being able to do anything about it.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_iv2qx17 wrote

"Those who are not with us are against us" is a single telltale of a totalitarian sect.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_iv2qhdn wrote

>You're neglecting the fact that science is highly statistical.

Thanks Captain Obvious, you neglectinc the fact there is no statistics in the article, "very close" is not statistics. Of course you gonna say there are some statistics somewhere, and well, duh of course, but they are not here. Not in this article. the article is useless. It's not science at all.


Graekaris t1_iv30vmq wrote

No one said they did. But the rate of change is greatly effected, and that's what humanity will struggle with.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_iv3nkdg wrote

>the rate of change is greatly effected

You don't know that. It's not verifiable with the information in the article. You just want to believe what you already believe to be The Truth, even when scientific proof is nowhere to be found.

I'm not even asking much. Just give me some freaking numbers: what's the rate, what's the base, I don't even need proofs those numbers are real. But give me something. But there aren't anything. Yet "activists" still upvote "because science". Facepalm.