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EcoEchos t1_iv0uj0w wrote

I find it sad that in all of these threads, there is never any mention of animal agriculture or it's responsibility in the picture.

Animal agriculture is what is driving the mass extinctions of wildlife we are seeing in nature, it is causing ocean dead zones, driving climate change, responsible for 80% of the deforestation of the Amazon rain forest, destroying ecologies across the globe, killing indigenous tribes to take their lands, it's responsible for most of the plastic in our oceans, etc etc.

I really don't understand why I'm the only person in this entire thread who has to bring these issues up.


Daelisx t1_iv0wnd4 wrote

Yes we should fix the animal agriculture problem, but can we hold the 10 largest carbon polluters accountable altogether?


EcoEchos t1_iv1wlaa wrote

We can start holding ourselves accountable too.

It's a bit silly to blame the corporations that are destroying our planet while concurrently paying them to do it several times a day.