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TheZimmerian t1_iy8c6jf wrote

Just the fact almost nobody in any western nation has to worry about water, food or shelter answers that question for you. The industrial revolutions have also produced for us the tools needed to fix the problems they have caused. For those problems, the industrial revolutions are the cause, but it's the human factor that perpetuates them.

We wouldn't even be having this conversation without the industrial revolutions, because the internet would (likely) not exist in the form it exists today, if at all, and you certainly wouldn't be able to buy a pocket computer more powerful than the one that sent mankind to the Moon for less than 1/3rd of an average month's salary.


Shillbot_9001 t1_iy8frxn wrote

>Just the fact almost nobody in any western nation has to worry about water

Laughs in Flint.

Laughs in 3000 cities with worse water than Flint.


Red_Aurora1917 t1_iy997en wrote

I saw a 10 year old boil water advisory that was still in effect posted in a gas station in rural Canada. This was in cottage country too, plenty of property taxes being paid. If our government won't even fix the water supply for well-off vacationers, there is no hope for the hundreds of reservations and poorer communities without access to clean water.

"Almost nobody" is actually an unacceptable amount of people when you look at the details! And very little is being done to fix it!

On topic: The wealth of space will be snatched up by billionaires and trickled down on our heads from their ivory towers at minimum wage.


TheZimmerian t1_iy9qpxr wrote

Good job taking the sentence completely out of the context of the argument.

>For those problems, the industrial revolutions are the cause, but it's the human factor that perpetuates them.

I never claimed it all to be perfect, I never said there wouldn't be any problems left to solve, looking at the past years there are quite a bunch of problems yet to be solved. I said the human factor is the problem, and not the technology.

The industrial revolutions have drastically improved the standard of living across the board in western nations with every subsequent revolution since the first. To deny that is to be completely disconnected from any semblence of common sense.