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MpVpRb t1_iyesddc wrote

According to the Iron Law of Headlines, any headline with the word "breakthrough" in it is exaggerated hype


Kregerm t1_iyemtl1 wrote

Is it only a decade away? Causes it’s been a decade away for 30 years


Kahing t1_iyeurz3 wrote

Maybe it actually was a decade away in 2012, maybe it'll be a decade away in 2032. Who knows? But if it's technologically feasible it'll happen at some point.


Kregerm t1_iyevbhv wrote

I think the part they leave out is ‘it’s a decade away…. If properly funded’


Gubekochi t1_iyf6lfk wrote

A reasonable view and an acceptable explanation to the age old question "why can't we have nice things?".


Kregerm t1_iyf8jde wrote

If we funded fusion research at the same funding level as Americans spend on pornography we’d have it by now.


Gubekochi t1_iyfd39g wrote

What if we funded it like the Americans fund their military?


Mildf0g t1_iyf96jr wrote

Though somehow when humans have unlimited energy, we’ll still have to pay someone to use it :(


Thatingles t1_iyevz15 wrote

Perhaps another step on the road to fusion, all the experiments are helping to get there. The more data that is gathered about fusion and near-fusion conditions, the faster all the teams involved can move forward.


savedposts456 t1_iyeslvc wrote

These NIF experiments are a dead end. I think either commonwealth fusion or helion will be the first to demonstrate net energy gain with fusion.


danderzei t1_iyen33s wrote

Practical nuclear fusion is always 30 years in the future ...


Mr_SkeletaI t1_iyezah4 wrote

This exact comment is made every. Single. Time fusion comes up


Harbinger2001 t1_iyf8ttg wrote

Me Skeletal’s Law: “Every Fusion Power article will have someone comment ‘it’s only 30 years away’”.


choptheair t1_iyew615 wrote

Yup. Been that way for 30 years.


FanOfPeace t1_iyey68y wrote

I'm trying to do some back of the envelope calculations here... what does that mean we can expect 30 years from now?


choptheair t1_iyf2ss0 wrote

They have said this same thing every few years. For the past 30 years.


Gari_305 OP t1_iyek43y wrote

From the Article

>Scientists hoping to harness nuclear fusion—the same energy source that powers the Sun and other stars—have confirmed that magnetic fields can enhance the energy output of their experiments, reports a new study.
>The results suggest that magnets may play a key role in the development of this futuristic form of power, which could theoretically provide a virtually limitless supply of clean energy.


FuturologyBot t1_iyepg7t wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:

From the Article

>Scientists hoping to harness nuclear fusion—the same energy source that powers the Sun and other stars—have confirmed that magnetic fields can enhance the energy output of their experiments, reports a new study.
>The results suggest that magnets may play a key role in the development of this futuristic form of power, which could theoretically provide a virtually limitless supply of clean energy.

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