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Avauru t1_ivh0lin wrote

If we could eradicate the disease reservoir for mosquito-borne diseases that would be ideal - I think people could live with mozzies if they knew they weren’t going to get malaria/schistosomiasis/dengue/Zika/West Nile/Japanese encephalitis etc. Then again there are so many animal diseases that they spread and maintain the existence of as well…


RiceAlicorn t1_ivh2vlu wrote

Nah FUCK those bitches, unless they're zapping me with improve mental health juice instead of itchy juice I want them all dead.


orangutanoz t1_ivh9vgr wrote

Maybe they could do mosquito abatement and release these from non treated water so there wouldn’t be a really heavy mosquito season. That and there would be fewer bad mosquitoes to mate with making the process more effective.


Nimeroni t1_ivhc7xw wrote

The only good mosquito is a dead mosquito. I don't care it would damage the biosphere or whatever - they hurt. And they love me.

Kill. Them. All.


PersonOfInternets t1_ivhhpfo wrote

Similarly, I don't care about you. You can't just purposefully destroy a species, that's horrific.


muffinthumper t1_ivhn6on wrote

When it comes to mosquitos, If I can, I would lol.


FearLeadsToAnger t1_ivhwgyb wrote

I'd also strongly recommend you ask whether you should, before worrying about being itchy. Taking something out of the food chain can have unintended consequences. They're tiny but you'd be amazed how much of their biomass supports birds and fish. The world is already unbalanced enough without taking things out of the house of cards willy nilly.

I think i've read it may be possible to just remove the highest offending species, but it still needs to be closely monitored.


Nimeroni t1_iviw9th wrote

Oh, it absolutely would have consequences, yes. I don't care.

We already drove numerous species to extinction (no, seriously, we are an extinction event called the Holocene extinction, we killed 30% of all species in 500 years), at least this time it would be for an excellent reason.


FearLeadsToAnger t1_ivj70pz wrote

Well thankfully more sensible types will be making that decision 🙏


hotmailer t1_ivhycqu wrote

Especially when we don't know the consequences of eradicating the species.