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RealJeil420 t1_ivjxdaq wrote

Who owns these new genetics? Does this just inflate the cost of growing vegetables by adding an unnecessary costly middleman?


IceColdPorkSoda t1_ivk57hx wrote

This will likely lower the cost of vegetables. The goal is to make them more productive, more bug resistant, and able to grow in poorer soil. The last point is key as that could vastly increase the arable land available around the world.


TunturiTiger t1_ivkazth wrote

I can only imagine what kind of unintended consequences that will bring.


RealJeil420 t1_ivl5ey4 wrote

Yea. When people cant afford to buy the seed required by big ag. They get to sell the farm to corps and all is well. I'd say theres a bigger issue with distribution than needing gmo.


topinf t1_ivkkyti wrote

Yeah, sure, Agribiotech corporations do it for us! They love humanity, not yachts!