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Danobi2 t1_ivtsloz wrote

The US is literally being ran into a climate crisis by corporations and your elections are again paid for? Corruption is not an African issue, it’s just reported as such.

I will say however infrastructure is an issue in many countries outside of major cities and they still function. Even countries like Portugal and Italy have major flaws outside of their major cities but again, it’s how the media tells it.


cobaltred05 t1_ivtvsgd wrote

Oh. Both countries absolutely have their own problems. There’s no mistaking that. The problems are just different and each country’s inhabitants are more used to their own problems, so other country’s problems appear much worse.

Im just happy to be able to hear about major progress like this either way. Whether it’s a big jump or a bunch of smaller ones, it makes me happy to hear it. Like you said, the media certainly does hide and/or shows the wrong things more than it should. I wish that would stop.


Danobi2 t1_ivug38y wrote

I agree with you, my responses are coming out defensive atm, but this great news and I wish there was more like it being reported on.


cobaltred05 t1_ivuib7v wrote

No worries. What really matters is that the discussion happens and we come to a reasonable agreement or answer to what is being discussed. You have a good day and I hope things start looking up for you.


RestlessAmbivert t1_ivu3f0u wrote

There are other posters who went into much, much more detailed discussion of the multitudinous problems there on the continent. There's really no point in debating reality. It's not just stereotypes that make this kind of action surprising. There are large scale barriers to consistent, sustained technological progress in Africa, that's a simple truth.

Semantics and nitpicking won't change that this kind of development is going to be a surprising one to most unless they were specifically following this program. The US is corrupt af, but would you be shocked in the least to hear it had a similar launch on the horizon? Were you surprised when you heard the UAE was testing weather-controlling drones?

It's an unexpected thing with a country with a relatively low GDP on a continent of countries with relatively low GDPs and other financial indicators pops up with a program like this.


Danobi2 t1_ivufq2u wrote

I get what you’re saying. But you’re missing my point, the discourse around Africa is almost completely controlled by the west. It’s the underreporting on the scientific advancements, how west Africans dominate in studies in any environment, vast improvements in Rwandan infrastructure the massive strides to create an Eastern African superpower backed by actual gold.

We don’t even need to look as far as the disparity between the wests reporting on itself. Even Asia and South America which have a plethora of similar and unique but scalable problems that aren’t as reported as Africa’s.

The continent is moving forward in spite of the rest of the world and notably the west (F*** France especially) efforts to disparage its advancements and report on it as a cesspit of its own doing.

The biggest detriment to Africas development is interference. To be left alone in all regards it would not be the continent it is today. RIP Nkrumah, Sankara, Lumumba, Olumpyio, etc etc I could go all day.