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tonymmorley OP t1_ivs8tzc wrote

Interesting side note: [As a young, healthy, and active cyclist] In January I woke up with a mystery infection in my elbow, (doctors still don't know what caused it, possibly a "micro-cut" that let in a one in a million bacteria); and I went from active outdoors person to being admitted to the ICU in septic shock within 12 hours, and spent two weeks in hospital undergoing two surgeries. Antibiotics, saved my life, just this year.


Hammakprow t1_ivsjd3t wrote

Likewise, I was in ICU about a year ago with sepsis. It took 9 different antibiotics to save my life.


Spathers t1_ivv0qdf wrote

Similar experience here. Salmonella infection that turned into sepsis. Was taken to the hospital with high fever, severe dehydration, and 0% kidney function. ICU for 3 days, hospitalized for a total of a week.

The hospital staff said I was about an hour away from dying if I hadn’t received medical intervention. I was given several antibiotics via IV, which saved my life. And I’m extremely lucky to have my kidney function back.

I’m still not sure how I got it…


LegitPancak3 t1_ivu6sr0 wrote

As someone taking multiple classes of microbiology, do you mind sharing what the bacteria was? I’m certainly curious :)