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Ancient-Sense-2022 t1_ivyk4tt wrote

Let’s take the 2 coins sample, it doesn’t matter how much apart they are from each other (ei: 100 Lights years away), when you flip one coin, the other one flips “at the same time”.
I said “at the same time” because it is to believe that the time transpire between the event of flip one coin and the reaction of the other coin flipping is zero (Quantum Entanglement).
Now if you take into account that a particle of light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second, cannot reproduce the results of Quantum Nonlocality.
Now, we know everything we see is the past, the time that transpire for a particle of light to bounced on an object into our eyes, makes the image in our eyes an old image.
A particle of light coming from the Sun takes about 8 minutes to arrive to earth. Basically when we see the position of Sun, we see 8 minutes into the past.
So if you are avail to send a communication as a Quantum Nonlocality event, your communication was sent “at the same time”, but we will perceiving to receive the communication in the present. However, we are actually getting the communication in the past as described in Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

In other words, if we can used Quantum Nonlocality, we could see the position of the Sun 8 minutes into the future.


ItsAConspiracy t1_iw16tek wrote

But the person with the second coin knows nothing about it until they measure it, then it's randomly either heads or tails. That's it.


Ancient-Sense-2022 t1_iw1ax9a wrote

My bad, I thought you knew what is Quantum Entanglement since you mentioned in your comment.
Quantum Entanglement is when two particles link together in a certain way no matter how far apart they are in space. If you move one particle to the right, the other particle moves to the left instantaneously, even if separated by billions of light-years (simple explanation).
I thought you were using 2 coins to represent 2 particles.


ItsAConspiracy t1_iw2bu6g wrote

No that is not how quantum entanglement works. Here's the standard example of how it works:

Electrons have a property called "spin." You can measure the spin and it will have a value of either "up" or "down."

The spin is in an indeterminate state until you measure it. Then when you measure, it will be either up or down, randomly. If two particles are entangled, then if you measure one and find that it's up, you already know that the other one is down.

But if you're that second person and haven't been tipped off by the first person, then you still just have an electron with a spin you don't know. So you'll measure it and find out that it happens to be down. Now you know the other one is up. But it's still just a random value.

Quantum entanglement does not cause particles to move around like you described.