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JefferyTheQuaxly t1_ivxzjfe wrote

whatever it is, itll probably end up about 35% more stupid than your thinking it would.


PLATINUMSILVER700 t1_ivxzrcw wrote

Vertical indoor greenhouse vegetable growing will remove giant diesel machines from being a cost in food prices.


ledfrisby t1_ivy08x3 wrote

5 years: Global thermonuclear war, complete armageddon, near extinction of the human race

10 years: Survivors will have collected together, at first into small tribal communities, but later into large kingdoms. Technology from the before times is highly valued, studied, and eventually replicated.

15 years: Flying cars


Hyjynx75 t1_ivy0bf5 wrote

This. Definitely. Had a conversation a few years ago with a guy who developed some pretty cool automation tech for this application. Sold the company for a lot of money to a national grocery chain.

The benefits are huge. Less risk of crop damage from weather events, far less physical space required, no need for pesticides, no dependence on growing seasons, and the list goes on and on.

Your local grocery store could eventually have a bunch of sea cans outside operating vertical growing operations and delivering all the produce they sell. Never touched by human hands until you open the package.


LibertarianAtheist_ t1_ivy0xul wrote

Αrtificial meat, EVs being the majority of new cars being sold worldwide, first anti aging drugs hitting the market, more automation.


Emble12 t1_ivy14go wrote

Likely a second space race, depending on how successful Starship and Long March 9 are.


Remarkable_Night2373 t1_ivy1b4v wrote

In 15 years boomers will be out of power and we will be kicking off the second generation properly done with religion. The republicans have long fallen as a party of terrorists and the democrats split into the two controlling parties. The liberals and the democrats. Guys like joe Biden are not liberals.


Major-Moment4264 t1_ivy1obp wrote

I fear it will get worse before it gets better.. Right in these next 5-10 years.


kenlasalle t1_ivy33vm wrote

Just be patient. We'll all find out at about the same time.


jingleghost t1_ivy4itf wrote

Rising socialism and/or nationalism in many western societies.

Post war capitalism ideals are falling short for the majority of people as the wealth gap continues to increase. Especially in younger generations (>40) that on paper don’t own a lot compared with older boomers. For them, socialism looks quite appealing and rightly so.

Nationalism is going to increase too fuelled by mass migration of peoples from the typically ‘underdeveloped’ nations. As our fossil fuel habit catches up with us (weaning ourselves off as well as pollution) and climate change hits those in poorer countries first, we’ll see a lot of people on the move. Que the nationalistic rhetoric from populist leaders.

Less people will be driving.

Fewer flights.

People living in larger family/friend units to share costs of living (financial and also time consuming - child care etc)

Will tech still innovate? Probably but at a slower rate and it won’t be accessible for the masses unless it’s wrapped up with personal ID and social credit scoring stuff.


jingleghost t1_ivy97ws wrote

A lot of poorer countries have populations where upwards of 50% still work the land and live subsistence lifestyles. Alter the climate and crops fail and guess what, those people are going to want to move en masse.

Meanwhile richer countries who already import a lot of calories just end up paying a bit more (which we currently are doing)

This starts a feedback loop as those middling countries now want to export more as the price is high thus damaging domestic food supply.

It’s not climate change as a conscience entity looking at places on a map deciding who to pick on!

What do think happens when the global temperature increases 2 degrees? Does everyone just turn their a/c up a notch?


Alive-Activity9932 t1_ivy9z0f wrote

> What do think happens when the global temperature increases 2 degrees? Does everyone just turn their a/c up a notch?

Lol! Honestly I just wanted to know your reasoning since I actually live in a 3rd world country where agriculture is the backbone of economy. Thanks


Psiweapon t1_ivyax3j wrote

US of Assmerica will continue to stick its greasy fingers in everything not their business until Russia and/or China righteously roflstomps them, EU will continue to wither under its abusive relationship.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Alive-Activity9932 t1_ivybmz8 wrote

Staple food crops have almost tripled in price since last year and more farmers are actually exporting their crops for better markets which makes the prices surge even more locally. On top of all that we're experiencing like a semi-drought from irregular rain patterns and such. Oh and I almost forgot some water sources have almost completely dried including ones used for HEP so pretty much the whole nation is experiencing daily power outages, with prior warning of course. I live in Tanzania in case you're wondering.


Anarchyst4Ever t1_ivyd7c5 wrote

Please mark these words; Global drought will end so many lives and countries by 2025, water wars will be going on, fake Jesus will come with a fake religion (Annunakis will play with people's mind), China will make a great walk to Mesopotamia, sun won't be a powerful as before etc.

What should we do? Find a region on white or blue ley line to live, stay away from the black ley lines. Build your own farm and build as many as possible wind power tools such as bladeless turbines for electric power, buy or build electric power farm tools, get water from underground, get some farm animals and learn how to maintain them, build walls around the farm security will be another problem, never rely on the government or "trustworthy" people, never lose the love in your heart haters will be the biggest problem and the last never lose your mercy be helpfulto the community.


jingleghost t1_ivydp2t wrote

I’ve read a lot of opinions on societal collapse and generally, if things turn bad globally then it’s the people from poorer countries who will stand it better. More skilled and experienced to look after themselves and ensure their basics are met.


bob4256 t1_ivyg21i wrote

Routine infant male genital mutilation will end in America.


TopofGoober t1_ivyh0ph wrote

No smart person has ever been right. The crazies know though.


Plane_Crab_8623 t1_ivyh0uo wrote

The answer is pretty simple. It's going to get a lot hotter. Humans have failed at responsible stewardship of the planet. The only hope is that the earth itself has unknown regulating processes to moderate the change.


Anarchyst4Ever t1_ivymv5v wrote

Ley lines are earth's energy frequency lines. Based on the frequency type and level, those lines tell us what to do in those areas. Black ley lines have lower frequency, which means possible disasters, wars, massacre, kidnapping, bad economy, etc. may occur in those areas when the time comes. The other kind of ley lines are all good but the white ones are the best.


steve3146 t1_ivyu54v wrote

Im hopeing fusion power will finally happen in the next 10 years, but it will probably take another hundred years to reverse climate change.


Familiar-Antelope316 t1_ivyuuxa wrote

I've been trying to stave off my nihilistic tendancies under the assumption that humanity won't actually allow its self to be destroyed if out of self preservation more than anything else.

My view of the future is that the world population is going to level off. Yes we're close to hitting 8 billion but I can see the population leveling off completely at 9 billion or so. We're going to start moving away from fossil fuels but it's going to take a long time and the oil and gas industries are going to fight tooth and nail to avoid it but they've been doing that forever.

I wouldn't be surprised if the war in Ukraine leads to a serious Nuclear scare and even possibly a detonation. But I think that act will spur the world into calming the fuck down and getting to the negotiating table to form an actual effective world government that will include Russia and China. I think they'll realize that the only thing that's going to save the species is refocusing human effort away from corporate profit and territorial expansion and to the stars. We're already seeing the beginnings of it but with the combined effort of the 3 major super powers we'll see a massive push towards space.

Meanwhile 3d printing and VR technology will become ubiquitous on earth allowing people from all over the world to connect in the... I don't want to call it the metaverse... the digital space I'll say which will lead to more combined ingenuity from places that we haven't had access too before as continued investment in Africa has resulted in stabilization of the region and increased GDP per capita.

As the generations go on, decreased religious participation has lowered the power of the theocratic governments in the middle east and elsewhere as people are increasingly exposed to new ideas. The enthusiasm from people who have gone from living in 70s level technology to suddenly waking up to the 21st century invading their lives means that African and Arabic peoples as well as those from the recently liberated North Korea surge into the online space creating all new cultural revolutions and perspectives.

We achieve world peace as we focus all human effort on space, while using AI powered by quantum computers and 3d printing to make life sustainable and prosperous for those on earth. We finally realize that human ingenuity is the most powerful, valuable tool on this earth and we spend our days trying to build people to their maximum potential because the world has come to realize it's the strength and health of the individual that stabilizes the species, not only those who can extract the most resources.

I also hope that biotech and robotics means I'm head in a jar driving a cypbernetic mech body so that i can be around to see it. Or my consciousness gets combined with an AI to continue my life in the digital realm. Basically I just don't want to die because I want to see what comes next.


mooky1977 t1_ivz2uac wrote

The future, hot with a chance of radioactive fallout.


IloveElsaofArendelle t1_ivzcuff wrote

No one can tell what will happen in 5, 10 or 15 years. But the general direction we're heading is not a good one.

Technology will evolve further and we'll have quantum computing and photonic CPUs. AI will play a vital key for metal health to dampen the impact of a more isolated society, where lonesomeness is a current civilization disease. Climate change and climate refugees will be a problem of the 2035 and beyond. Medicine will be improving via CRSPR technology, where a lot of illnesses and cancer of today will be a thing of the past, HIV has been recently test removed from a patient IIRC. The globalization as of it now, has come to an end and a lot of things will be produced locally, like food and important pain killers.

Automation will be at a high degree but there are still jobs where people are needed.


CriminalizeGolf t1_ivzo1tl wrote

Vertical farming might take off for greens and other low calorie vegetables over the next few decades but it is incredibly unrealistic to expect staple crops like grains, corn, legumes, etc to be mass produced with vertical farming any time soon.


---nom--- t1_ivzs0uw wrote

The US becomes a dictatorship like Russia. The people who cried out for free speech will ban it. If you've ever been on "Truth Social", you'll know only people in certain countries can log in and there's only a list of their approved people in the people list.


cornerblockakl t1_ivzsc2q wrote

In five years biden might still be president. In ten, definitely not. So we’ve got that to look forward to.


stu54 t1_iw01jr9 wrote

Its tough, this economic downturn is going to have to last a long time to kill off the defunct buisinesses that PPP and other govt bailouts propped up. In 5 years we will start to see the new direction. Maybe the same old fossil fuels will bounce back as they will still have capital after everyone else runs out. The climate is gonna take another 30+ years to reach a totally fucked state.


PopulationMedia t1_iw1ii77 wrote

Our future depends on the rights of women and girls.



In a word: inequity. Each day, human population reaches a new all-time high, driven by numerous inequities, including misinformation, lack of education, and low status of women and girls.



[deleted] t1_iw1po71 wrote

5 years we have a clear speed up in new medical and materials research from machine learning advancements happening now.

10 years solid state batteries are hitting mass production and a lot more robotoc automation is everywhere. More grid energy storage and renewable generation options like geothermal anywhere.

15 years humanoind looking helper robots that can do monkey see monkey do style learning start to hit markets and brain to computer interfaces start to have real uses. Real AI massively speeds up programming, drug and material design even further as well as general probelm solving and tech advacement rate speeds up even more. Biomechanical engineering starts to take root setting the stage for massive future production boosts. Human to brain interfaces keep improving setting the common realization that we will be able to someday soon copy and eventually render the human mind inside a machine and eventually unlock huge new options for human preservation, digital immortality, and even beaming humans through space to prebuilt receiving stations much faster and witu fewer resources than generally imagined.


YaAbsolyutnoNikto t1_iw1sa74 wrote

I doubt Africa and other developing regions will go through that. Rich countries are trying to get rid of cars. It makes no sense for the poorer ones to adopt outdated and inefficient technology.

Just like how India and Africa are making huge investments into renewables from the get go, they’ll probably skip the car inferno rich countries have and jump straight to public transport.


Surur t1_iw249iu wrote

> It makes no sense for the poorer ones to adopt outdated and inefficient technology.

Yes, they will jump straight to EVs lol.

> India and Africa are making huge investments into renewables from the get go, they’ll probably skip the car inferno rich countries have and jump straight to public transport.

Look at India lol. Look at China lol.

> jump straight to public transport.

Hahahahahaha hahahaha

Lol. Imagine thinking public transport is progress.


YaAbsolyutnoNikto t1_iw271kl wrote

It is, though. I’d recommend you check things like r/fuckcars or literally any urban planning youtube channel, journal, news article, etc. nowadays.

There’s a war on cars in europe (and even in the US) and I’m here for it. We need to take back our streets, and amazing and convenient public transport is achievable.

The world bulldozed the cities to find space for cars a few decades ago. Finally, we’re going back. Look at Paris or Barcelona, for instance. Huge changes are happening every day. Lanes disappearing, gugantic investments in public transport, creation of parks, reduction of parking spots, car free zones in the centre of cities, etc.

—— The figures you showed for china and India don’t take into account population growth, the percentage of commuters in different types of transportation, the investments in alternative forma of transportation nor what those countries consider a car (in Asia, small vehicles are a lot of times considered as cars)


Surur t1_iw2b0l0 wrote

The carfucky people are jokes. Do you even know what transport is like in much of Africa - its private, not public, busses and shared taxis. When people can use their own transport they prefer it, and its much safer.

How exactly do you expect this PT revolution to evolve lol.


YaAbsolyutnoNikto t1_iw2bn8k wrote

With investment in public infrastructure. They wouldn’t be the first countries to do it, nor the last.

Look at singapore, for example. From no infrastructure and poor to a public transport hub.

Of course people feel unsafe in dirty crowded old falling apart buses. The whole point is that they don’t have to be dirty crowded old and falling apart with the right investment in the sector.

Road construction and maintenance is much more expensive than public transport infrastructure, so don’t tell me they don’t have the money to pour into these projects.


TulipAcid t1_iw2bokg wrote

I think people in developed western countries have a big shock coming.

We're doing as little as possible about climate change.

Our leaders and the oligarchs who back them don't want to upset the revenue apple cart. And we're seeing at this moment what corporations think about their consumers...they're increasing prices AND PROFITS during what is soon to become a global recession.

These parties KNOW that things are going to get worse and traditional means of profit will become more and more difficult as the consumers gain the appearance of turnips from which no blood can be drawn.

Presently, the medical-pharma-industrial complex is extracting all the blood money it can from aging people. Then there'll be the long covid people who form their future customer base.

Meanwhile, agribusiness is extracting all the food money it can from families.

Your employer doesn't really care about you and will dump you in a heartbeat if their numbers aren't what they should be. And replace you with AI or robots.

Homelessness, now but an eyesore, will become rampant. So many are becoming homeless, or are one emergency away from losing their housing. Jurisdictions will do what they can to sweep away the human detritus of our towns and cities. We will see concentration camps where the homeless are forced to endure low wages in return for substandard housing and food. Suicide will abound.

Soon, the northern countries will be awash with refugees, both internal and external as people flee the coasts and warmer regions, or those more prone to wildfire. All of this exacerbating the housing problem.

We have some leaders who offer policies that can help, but they are stymied constantly by others who are bought and paid for by oligarch money. The rich shall not be taxed.

At this point, my only hope is that we'll come up with some kind of geo-engineering to avert the worst of climate change. My fear is that, per usual, we'll over-correct and create some new horrible problem.


Surur t1_iw2c4g6 wrote

> Road construction and maintenance is much more expensive than public transport infrastructure, so don’t tell me they don’t have the money to pour into these projects.

This is 100% wrong and I have no idea where you got this idea.

Train tracks are about 10-100x as costly as roads per mile, and running PT is much more expensive than maintaining roads.

For exactly this reason you will not see massive investment in PT.


YaAbsolyutnoNikto t1_iw2d7cx wrote

Those numbers are completely incorrect lol. And especially so when taking into account the negative externalities that road construction, maintenance and individual transport creates and also the opportunity cost of not having denser living spaces (which increases tax revenues).


Surur t1_iw2g3b6 wrote

> And especially so when taking into account the negative externalities that road construction, maintenance and individual transport creates and also the opportunity cost of not having denser living spaces (which increases tax revenues).

Ignoring whether these things are real or not, do you actually think anyone will care?

> Those numbers are completely incorrect lol.

You swallowed too much propaganda.

> In the United States, most recent and in-progress light-rail lines cost more than $100 million per mile. Two light-rail extensions in Minneapolis, the Blue Line Extension and the Southwest LRT, cost $120 million and $130 million per mile, respectively. Dallas’ Orange Line light rail, 14 miles long, cost somewhere between $1.3 billion and $1.8 billion. Portland’s Orange Line cost about $200 million per mile. Houston’s Green and Purple Lines together cost $1.3 billion for about 10 miles of light rail.

For roads:

> New Construction 2 Lane Undivided Urban Arterial with 4' Bike Lanes: U01 $4,285,161.73

That's $4 million vs $100 million btw.

People have been lying to you, and you have swallowed it up.


YaAbsolyutnoNikto t1_iw2if6u wrote

Dude, did you even read the title of the article you posted? “Why It's So Expensive to Build Urban Rail in the U.S.”

You’re comparing the inflated US figures to those of the industry. The US is simply the most car centric place in the entire free world. It’s not a good representative of the cost of roads vs public transport. The article itself says it.

Also, I’m not American. So, if I’d accept to play that unfair game, I have no reason to. It doesn’t affect me at all.

Also, of course cities and countries will consider the negative externalities and the effect on tax revenues… what do you think their job is? Urban planners, economists, politicians, etc. just sit around approving random projects all day? It’s literally what a bunch of people are hired to do. Industrial economists in particular: that’s their entire job (analysing externalities).

Believe it or not, but companies and governments take years to approve projects for a reason (sometimes inefficiencies, yes, but also because there’s a bunch of stuff to consider).


Surur t1_iw2iu5u wrote

> Also, I’m not American.

So you think this is a uniquely US problem? In UK they are about to cancel HS2 high speed rail because cost spiralled to more than £100 billion

Tell me which country you are in, and I will look up your local figures.

> Also, of course cities and countries will consider the negative externalities and the effect on tax revenues… what do you think their job is?

No, they look at their budget, and what they have to spend now lol. You live in a fantasy world, especially when it comes to developing economies.

So you are in Portugal:

> In February 2009, the government of Portugal announced plans to build a high-speed rail line from Lisbon to Madrid; this plan was cancelled in March 2012 amidst a bailout programme of financial assistance to the Portuguese Republic.[1] The project was valued at €7.8 billion and the government had claimed it would create 100,000 jobs.[2] The line would link to Spain's Southwest Corridor.


In Portugal the government spends more than 200,000 Euro per mile on rail track per year.

In Portugal the government spends around 70,000 Euro per km on roads.

> In some other countries (i.e. Austria, Croatia, The Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland and Japan) the infrastructure costs are significantly above € 40,000 per kilometre road network. In Portugal and Croatia, the large-scale investment programmes in the 1990s and the first decade of this century largely explains the high cost levels


[deleted] t1_iw45n5j wrote

We don’t have overpopulation, no. There was the “threat of overpopulation” but that has been rendered false since 2016. “Peak population estimates” are decreasing every other year.


PopulationMedia t1_iw466x1 wrote

Peak population estimates to decrease, but they are also dependent on the rights of women and girls, or education. As those things happen, fertility rates decrease. I have seen numbers that say we can peak at 9.7 billion in the 2060's, if fertility rates decrease, which is tied to women's rights.


Lejeune_Dirichelet t1_iw69gkk wrote

That's in no small part due to the fact that our current species of crops were selected to be grown conventionally, where height doesn't matter but disease and weather resilience is very important; not optimized for the very different requirements of indoor farming. Once LEDs fall further in costs and dwarf species of staple crops come onto the market, then we will start seeing indoor farming of those too.


KJackson1 t1_iw8m7oe wrote

Food will not be produced locally. It is much easier to get enough to eat if its mass produced by commercial farms, as shitty as that is for poor farmers, but if you can afford mass amounts of high quality machinery, you can produce more to sell for less. A poor farmer can afford a tractor, a bit of land, and basics, but not as much as a billion dollar commercial farm. And that machinery makes farming more efficient. So farmers will either work for big companies, or lose out on farming all together and be forced to change careers. That's why they're going to need government help here soon.


OliverSparrow t1_iwb9kah wrote

Let me do my duty as Eeyore. 15 years puts us almost in 2040. Then, the old rich world will be down to about a fifth of world output (versus 40% today, 95% in 1950) and geopolitics will have changed to match this. The emerging economies will have more graduates that the old rich world has people, most of whom will be elderly. Africa will continue to have most fo the world's youth, and will be on its way to a third of world population - always given that it remains stable and doesn't descend into chaos. The sole stable response of the old rich world is automation, including the integration of its workforce into advanced systems. Many will be unable to compete under such conditions, and a form of economic apartheid will separate players in secure urban environments and dependents into peripheral trailer parks. As this "stable response" is politically difficult, such outcomes will be hard to achieve and trade barriers and protectionist blocks to the broader world will be widespread. The old rich world will be sour with denial and blame: an ecosystem of Trumps.

In general, the world of 2040 will be one of systems, both natural and sociopolitical, under intense strain. The void that lurks below when management of these faisl will eb evidenced by several horrid examples. Where management succeeds, the outcome will achieve extraordinary heights, but always permeated by anxiety about the troughs and their ability to spread their rot. Successful societies will be watchful, authoritarian, Singapore writ large.


Able-Emotion4416 t1_iwbhtty wrote

It happened again and again in the past. For example for tobacco, leaded gasoline, banned pesticides (banned in the Western world), banned dirty fuel, etc. Whenever the West moves on into new tech, regulations, lifestyle, the old stuff gets dumped into African countries.

For two main reasons:

  1. African legislator don't immediately "copy-past" Western laws. And by the time they realize their mistake, it's usually too late, as powerful lobbies and private interests resist any change (e.g. African countries have unsuccessfully tried several times to ban 2nd hand clothing. But the economics are just too powerful, and they get bullied into giving up any bans)

  2. prices. As soon as the Western world bans traditional cars (i.e. internal combustion vehicles), their prices will collapse. And Africans will buy them.

And most interestingly, if the same patterns continue, Western companies will have branches in African countries making internal combustion cars for the African markets. (just like DDT is still being made and sold in Africa, even though it has been banned in the Western world since the 1970s already... and by Western branches or Western owned companies)

Capitalism is super weird. It has no ethics, nor a humane/STEM logic, only greed...