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Semifreak t1_iyd3k4l wrote

You make good points.

Generally speaking about voice assistants, I am still waiting for them to actually get smart. Using them now is too frustrating to really have them be my main interaction. This isn't just not understanding simple commands, but the assistant seemingly completely forgets what you are doing after each one sentence.

I've seen company demos/presentation when you can follow up and carry a conversation (saying something like, "no, not that, the other one", or "no, the other video" and the assistant would follow). But when will that be actually available?

Also, I wonder if any of these big voice players already do other things with their tech like work in the medical field. There are some use in auto chat and phone calls for customer support, but are they sharing and learning from each other and these different industries/markets? Or are they fairly isolated to their phones?

At this stage, voice commands are still in the 'look how cool this is' phase. For my self, I only practically use voice for telling my phone to start a timer or add a reminder- and it is a hit or miss that the phone will do it because correcting that i annoying. You still can't talk to it, just blurb out single simple sentences and between each sentence it feels like you are talking to a gold fish that completely starts a new thought/memory per sentence.

Bringing it all back to the topic at hand, I wonder if Amazon will, can, or should expand their voice assistant to other industries and maybe collaborate with other fields.

I want voice to be actually practical and useful than it is today that it would actually want to make users (and actually assist professionals) more than it does now. For now, for everyone around me, using voice is just a novelty.