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Fit_Manufacturer_444 t1_iy81t31 wrote

People can understand fine. We don't just understand when people whine "just stop using alternatives and just burn coal and oil, despite us already letting millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and heating up the Earth" sounds counterintuitive.

The reason people are even considering EV or hydrogen cell is to stave off climate change warming effect (might be too late) not to wave their money and or act like they are leagues smarter than anyone else because.... GREEN. "Oil was literally coming from the ground" So does Geothermal power and water. "You spend a lot of energy for so little" a combustion engine releases just as much energy and as for hydrogen production being expensive, I assume that will go down overtime as technology advances, where as hydrogen can be just as energy efficient as a coal and oil, it's expensive, but that's why people are considering it because the latter pollutes the Atmosphere and environment so much.
