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Talldarkn67 t1_iwcj7nl wrote

Again, in regards to infrastructure the US was one of the first countries in the world to build things like subway, highways, internet etc. they built it all so long ago that now a lot of it needs to be repaired. That doesn’t mean they don’t have infrastructure in place.

Of course some countries are only now building these types of infrastructure(over 100 years after the US did) so they look new while the ones in the US look older because they are.

That doesn’t stop people from countries like India and China immigrating to the U.S. in massive numbers.


urumipayattu t1_iwd3tlb wrote

Ahem.. Autobahn... Ahem...

But yeah America great!! Exprezzways were the first roads in human history..


235_and_five t1_iwo115i wrote

He said "one of", and let's not act like Germany's highway infrastructure was their priority around the 1930s and 40s