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acatnamedrupert t1_iwd8bim wrote

Alright then let me clarify:

There is no such thing as a next gen engine. They are just engines. The F119 and F135 are impressive beasts. But the EJ200 has a thrust to weight in the same range. Snecma M88 is close to it. Thrust vectoring, several non 5th gen planes have such capabilities. Also 5th or 6th gen planes...claimed ones? developed ones? claimed to be developed ones? If we are talking about the latter then shooot we have many of those, even former Yugoslavia claimed to have developed a stealth fighter.

Calling out certain brands also makes little sense since most NATO members and NATO alies are codeveloping engines now a days. EJ200 was British/German/Italian/Spanish companies co-developing it. F136 upgrade to P-W F135 was a G-E/Rolls Royce co-development.

Japan has co-developed with G-E to produce their next engine for their sixt gen fighter. Their current F-2 [a home made F-16 upgrade under licence] uses a home built and upgraded F110.

No idea where China stole it's designs, but they did upgrade them past what they were.

The indian engine has been in a test/research stage for ages and will continue to be in a test research/stage for at least a decade or two.


ExtraMail4962 t1_iwd9gen wrote

>There is no such thing as a next gen engine.

The , next gen jet engine have stealth feature and also engine with adaptive cycle are under development.

>Also 5th or 6th gen planes...claimed ones? developed ones? claimed to be developed ones? If we are talking about the latter then shooot we have many of those, even former Yugoslavia claimed to have developed a stealth fighter.

I am talking about jet engine not planes

>Calling out certain brands also makes little sense since most NATO members and NATO alies are codeveloping engines now a days. EJ200 was British/German/Italian/Spanish companies co-developing it. F136 upgrade to P-W F135 was a G-E/Rolls Royce co-development.

Most of the development was still done my one of 2 Major countries so it does makes sense

>No idea where China stole it's designs, but they did upgrade them past what they were.

Chinese engine are very similar to Russian ones and they also took the same approach of upscaling engine like Russian which caused it to be very inefficient

>The indian engine has been in a test/research stage for ages and will continue to be in a test research/stage for at least a decade or two.

No, it just completed its test with new core recently in russia and it's dry variant will be uses in the Ghatak UCAV by 2024-2026

And if u just count making engine , then india has been making engine for su-30mki and Mirage 2000 from scratch for quiet a while

Also india is working in co-development with saffran or Rolls-Royce to develop a new 140kn engine