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RufusCranium t1_iwpchjf wrote

Wherever you should find yourself, leave it better than how it was on your arrival.


chasonreddit t1_iwpn69h wrote

I like this, it applies to people too. Kindness costs nothing and almost always leaves the recipient a little better.


RufusCranium t1_iwpqclz wrote

Indeed. Complimentary, this. Thank you.


SqueakyNinja7 t1_iwpxcem wrote

Agreed with these, however it’s sad to see the rest of the comments about taxing the wealthy etc, rather than actually answering the OPs question of what we can do in our day to day.


RufusCranium t1_iwv148n wrote

Mass media ravages the masses. It's called programming for a reason. It wasn't until I was in my late 20s that I started to understand the true nature of broadcasting. One word can sum it up. Division.


Single_Pick1468 t1_iwr5jy1 wrote

How do you quantify this?


RufusCranium t1_iwsczpr wrote

Human intuition. Be of service. It is better to give than to receive. Don't leave your trash (in any sense you may consider) for others to deal with, while simultaneously going the extra mile to take care of that which you see. Fill needs best suited to your talents, gifts, and resources. Find someone in need and help. Plant trees, gardens, vegetation. Care for animals responsibly. Conserve water and energy. Be at peace with yourself, and offer freely to others that understanding.

It's not a question of quantification. The question is, "Will I add some problems, take some away, or stand by the wayside?" Sometimes the wayside is the best option, sometimes it serves to add, and sometimes it serves to take away. That's where intuition comes in.

But, if one still needs to analyze this rationally, then I would say, "If more people did this consistently than did before, then the world would have no choice but to be a better place."


Single_Pick1468 t1_iwtoo7r wrote

What if someone doesn't want to receive? What do you mean by care for animals responsibly?

Yes, intuition, but that have to come from somewhere.


RufusCranium t1_iwu19ca wrote

I suppose just leave those who wish not to receive to themselves. Each animal has an effect on the natural order, but some are out of place, some overpopulate as others diminish. We have the superior intellect, along with opposable thumbs, and have far outpaced the the other living beings of this world, and know that many animals even have feelings. We should not make them go extinct, nor should we let them overrule, but find a way to do so without cruelty. If we have pets, neither neglect them nor allow them to be a danger or nuisance, otherwise harm may come to them or others, by others or them, respectively.

Be the best you, and I'll be the best me.


Single_Pick1468 t1_iwu30b0 wrote

And then we have the animals we have in captivity and exploit, what should we do with them?


RufusCranium t1_iwuzkjr wrote

Like humans, animals become institutionalized over time. While many may still pose a risk to humans, they would not fare well competing for their place, food, and resources outside of captivity. I am no animal expert, but I have been to the zoo to view the animals Most recently, it was a disheartening experience. To me, the more intelligent animals seemed depressed. In my own personal opinion, we shouldn't capture any more. They have certain wildlife refuges for some, and introducing them to a better place to live out their remaining days might be good. There are others which my have to remain in capitivity until they pass on to the next realm, and still others which may very well be safe to release entirely. But again, that's only my opinion.

The point is to leave it better than when you found it. I find joy in doing what I consider to be "my part" as I had once seriously asked of myself what my purpose in this life was. The answer came back to me clearly as I saw the status of the world become more and more dire. There are more than 8 billion of us now. Imagine if just 25% of us took it upon ourselves to right what we were able of the wrongs we encounter. It doesn't have to be complicated or frustrating, but simple and good. We don't live in a perfect world by any means, so chances are that our efforts won't have perfect results. But, if we never try, we'll have no results at all. And how sullen a picture would that paint?


Single_Pick1468 t1_iwv1ned wrote

And then we have the animals we exploit for food, what about them?


RufusCranium t1_iwwx978 wrote

Treat them well. Eat less of them.


Single_Pick1468 t1_iwy7tzw wrote

Or we can all eat plants.


RufusCranium t1_iwya9my wrote

I can't control anyone but myself. I presently eat more plants than meat, and will probably adopt an all-plant based diet in the next 5 years. If others followed that, I think it would be wonderful, but have no expectations. However, I think science is stating that there simply won't be enough fertile farmland to feed everyone. I may not have the choice. However, I can care for my own land and grow whatever possible. I don't have enough to feed me for a full year, and if drought or pestilence ever came my way, it wouldn't be a reliable source of food. Many people from India are known to be vegan.I could probably get some tips from them. But back to the main point.

Leave it better than you found it. Simple.


Single_Pick1468 t1_iwyealb wrote

Fantastic man, actually if we all were vegan we would use 75% less land. Since we do not have to feed all the husbandry and marine life.

Look at this:


RufusCranium t1_iwyl3rm wrote

It's actually been an interesting conversation with you. I appreciate that you didn't try to cram veganism down my throat. Rational conversations are hard to come by here.