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NotSoSalty t1_iwz5k61 wrote

Doesn't remove chemicals doing it that way. You gotta strain it through activated charcoal or something like that lest you end up drinking a life ruining chemical like lead or insecticide.


Advanced_Double_42 t1_ix88qjj wrote

Not just boiling a pot, distilling the water. Heat it to a vapor, then capture it and condense it.


NotSoSalty t1_ix89r8i wrote

Chemical contaminants that have a boiling point near water will contaminate your distilled water. Just boiling it isn't good enough. Even physical contaminates that are light enough to be carried by vapor will still be in your water. Boiling is only a single step in the water purification process.

It's better than nothing, but not a good long term solution.

If you were to live anywhere near fertilizer, boiling is not good enough.

I understand what you mean. Boiling water and capturing the water vapor ain't gonna cut it.


Advanced_Double_42 t1_ix8wj7c wrote

I mean humans used to just drink water from random wells, springs, and streams.

Distillation may not be perfect, but I'd argue it is more often overkill than insufficient in survival scenarios.

Maintaining a reverse osmosis system or getting access to chlorine/iodine to purify the water is a much harder and come with their own downsides too.