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paramach t1_iwy9ffn wrote

The difference is, humans don't believe their own lies. They know/understand what's fiction and what's reality. AI lacks this fundamental comprehension.


TakenIsUsernameThis t1_iwy9nc2 wrote

I wouldn't be so sure!


paramach t1_iwya9vk wrote

I'm pretty sure, based on the data that's available.


TakenIsUsernameThis t1_iwyarrs wrote

I guess you haven't quite caught up with the meaning of my comment yet.


paramach t1_iwyex9e wrote

Are you privy to some new breakthrough or something? Otherwise, not sure your meaning...


TakenIsUsernameThis t1_iwyn1yx wrote

I made a sarcastic observation about human nature. People often spout nonsense, and they frequently believe it as well.